Contest Conundrum

I’m thinking of doing a weekly contest on my First Chapters blog. That should drum up readers. I have a TON of books that I will never get through. Even if I was a devoted reader, I would never get through all of these books.

Okay, that’s a slight exaggeration. A devoted reader, who reads fast and spends all of her free time reading, would probably get through all of these books. BUT it would take a year… maybe two.

Rather than let them languish (and have to move them since I know that might be on the horizon), I’m just going to give them away. Not my entire book collection, but a big chunk of it. First thing to go is my doubles, which I have more of than I thought.

Included in each prize package will probably be promo… if I decide to send out an all call for it. I always get great turn outs for my promo calls. And readers love those little extras. It’s like a mini-Christmas.

I’ll probably start this little endeavor in October. I still have to think on it a little more.


  1. I've heard of other bloggers (readers and authors) doing something like this as well. Either they have no time to read the book or they read it and don't plan on reading it again, so they give their slightly used book away. I think it's a great way to spread the love:)

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