RV Interview at #RAGT19
#RAGT19 Video interview taking place with D. Renee Bagby in Lori Foster’s RV at the Reader & Author Get Together of 2019 in West Chester Marriott in Ohio.
#RAGT19 Video interview taking place with D. Renee Bagby in Lori Foster’s RV at the Reader & Author Get Together of 2019 in West Chester Marriott in Ohio.
Rebecca J. Clark is hosting me on her Friday First blog as D. Renee Bagby. Come find out the first thing I would buy if I won the lottery or what in my life I would change if I could go back in time. http://rebeccajclark.blogspot.com/2011/11/friday-firstswith-d-renee-bagby.html
Check me out. I did an interview at Becca Dale’s blog — Becca’s Retreat. The questions aren’t ones you would find in a typical interview. Stop by and take a look. You might learn something new about me. 😀
The second part of the contest to win a $25 gift certificate and an e-copy of ERIS is posted. Stop by and leave a comment:http://firepages.wordpress.com/2010/08/19/interview-with-d-renee-bagby/
Fran Lee of the Salt Lake City Romance Novels Examiner interviewed me. Check it out and leave a comment.
I’m in the spotlight at Melodee Aaron’s site and her Yahoo loop. Read the interview (and fast facts):http://www.melodeeaaron.com/Click on the “Spotlight” button in the left side column I also did a guest blog over at You Gotta Read Reviews Guest Blog. It was a quick interview. Give it a looksie. …
Stacey Espino invited me to guest blog at Escape Into Romance. Stop by and give it a look
Michele Zurlo interviewed me for her new erotic romance promo blog — The Steam Room. Stop by and have a looksie.
I guest blogged at Love Romance Passion. Give it a looksie http://www.loveromancepassion.com/time-a-convulted-concept/
Check out my interview at Hywela Lyn’s blog. Yeah yeah, I’m a little late on broadcasting this one. My only excuse is that Tuesday was hectic and I’m behind on everything. I’m even behind on being behind. *sigh*