LF Get Together 7 Recap

Now it’s time for the recap of the 7th Annual Lori Foster’s Reader-Author Get Together.

As usual, this convention was a lot of fun. This year I supplied the badge holders. Each badge holder had a packet of business cards I collected from various authors. Some of said business cards were highlighted by Circle of Seven Productions on YouTube:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRPSVjvCyvw?rel=0]
Direct Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRPSVjvCyvw

I got favorite business card. I’m all happy about that. 😀

I’ll also be supplying the badge holders for next year (got confirmation this morning).

Flash, Joy (of Joyfully Reviewed) and I headed out in my car early Thursday morning headed for Akron. No the convention is not in Akron. Camille Anthony is. She attended LF Con as well, but needed Flash to drive her minivan since she had recently gotten out of the hospital and couldn’t do much long-distance driving.

Joy and I used the time at Camille’s house to finish preparing our promo. I was stuffing the badge holders with my packets of business cards while Joy stuffed little bunny bags full of Romance Trading Cards. I got to snag one of each for my personal collection. Teehee.

Friday morning, we were out of the house by 8:30am and on the road to West Chester, which is roughly 3hrs driving from Akron. The plan was to be at the hotel in time for the registration bag stuffing at 1pm. Unfortunately, bag stuffing got started early due to all of the promo that was received. This year LF Con hit a record high of 400 attendees. That was the cap for the con, since that’s what the hotel could accommodate.

Registration started promptly at 4pm. I stood at the doors to the convention hall and handed out the badge holders. That allowed me to greet everyone personally. Yes, I planned it that way and I’ll do it again next year. 😛

After registration was the pizza party. I got swamped by people asking for my autograph for the Author Island contest. This is nothing new. I was expecting it. Plus, I had told everyone to find me after registration closed since I couldn’t sign papers and hand out badges at the same time.

Friday ended with me in the room with Flash as we poured through the swag we had received. Some nice stuff. Of course, I was target-locked on the Romance Trading cards more than anything else.

Saturday morning, Flash and I did our traditional pajama walk. This is where we head to breakfast dressed in our pjs. Everyone was jealous. We may start a trend next year. We were telling everyone, since this is such a laid back convention, Flash and I usually do Saturday morning in our pjs — roll out of bed, brush our teeth, wash our faces, and go to get some grub. After we ate, we went back to the room and changed.

I had a speed chat session at 10am. My co-speed chatter was Nalini Singh. While the spirit of the chat was for us to talk one-on-one with a reader for fifteen minutes before switching to the next person (like speed dating), it turned into a large discussion. It was very fun and enlightening.

The book signing started at 2pm. Flash took up her spot, which took us forever to find. If we had walked right first instead of left, we would have found it immediately. Ain’t it always the way? 😛

I wandered and got autographs from Kate Douglas, Monica Burns, Donna Grant, Nalini Singh, Dakota Cassidy, Missy Martine, and Dana Marie Bell. I didn’t have anything in the bookstore (hosted by B&N), so I didn’t set up to sign. One attendee brought her copy of Serenity for me to sign, so that was a happy. 😀

That night was the Author Island Sock Hop, which was very well attended. Tons of prizes were given out — Flash won three things so she can’t say she never wins anymore. I got a copy of Jade Lee’s Dragonbound, which I had her sign.

DeNita, owner of Author Island, put on a great party that entertained everyone. I look forward to what she thinks up next year.

The majority of the convention was spent catching up with writing friends and readers as well as educating aspiring authors. It was very fun. As I tell everyone, this is a staple convention for me. I will even fly in from Hawaii to attend. That’s saying a lot since I hate to fly. There will have to be some dire circumstances going on to make me miss this convention.

I’m looking forward to 2012 already.

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