LKF #4 – Eternal Truths

Little Known Fact #4 – Eternal Truths

Some people might be wondering why I named the series Eternal Truths and what said eternal truths are.

Very simple. The Eternal Truths are those principles that exist across every race, religion, and world:

– Chaos
– Order
– Creation
– Destruction

ERIS (Eternal Truths, Book 1) is all about time, also known as order. While some may think the second book in the Eternal Truths series will be about Kaylie (Eris’s sister), it’s not. Kaylie’s story is a tangent rather than a continuation (and yes, I plan to write it too).

Each of the Eternal Truths books will deal with one of the above listed themes. The next book will be about Destruction. I hope to have that book written in the next few months. Until it’s finished, I have no way of knowing when it’ll be published. Know that I am working hard. 😀

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