Misc Babble + Writing Update

So I totally missed the fact that I didn’t post anything yesterday. For some reason I thought I had. I think it’s my sleep schedule screwing with me since my “day” starts at night and runs into the following afternoon. 😛

It also occurs to me that I haven’t put up a manga review in a while as well. I have quite a few manga that I can review. Matter of fact, I wouldn’t mind re-reading some of them just to refresh my memory so I can write the review. *eg*

In writing news, I am doing my final read through / self-edit of Pet’s Pleasure. I’ve been logging my progress on my FB fan page. But for those who don’t follow that (why aren’t you? *sniffle*) or the twitter that it automatically updates to (*sniffle sniffle* you like me right?), then I’ll post here.

I am currently working on Chapter 12 (which used to be Chapter 14 — I condensed a few things). That puts me at page 112 out of 209.

I’m jumping back in it once I put up this post. Hopefully I can finish today and get it submitted.

After I finish the read through, I’ll be posting my newsletter and then working on my taxes.


Yeah, yeah. I have to do it. Procrastinating isn’t going to make it go away. It also makes the deadline that much closer. It’ll take a day to organize all of my receipts and paperwork, at least. It should only take two hours (possibly three) to input the info into my tax spreadsheet, which I’ll do the following day. After that, I just have to set up an appointment with the H&R Block around the corner (literally… less than a mile from my house), and I’m done.

Then it’s on to the Caveat Emptor series. My muse has been waiting patiently for me to do other things. She tosses me a few tidbits that I’m keeping track of mentally. Once I jump into that series fully, I’ll write it all out.

Oh! Thanks to a conversation that came up on FB, I feel obligated to tell everyone that the muse I keep mentioning in my posts is a non-corporeal entity. I’ve given my imagination its own identity. For all intents and purposes Sekhmet (my kitty-girl sitting on the throne on the banner of my site) is the personification of my muse. My muse is NOT an actual person. I thought I should set that record straight, just in case.

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