New Release: Favored Dragon’s Release by D. Renee Bagby

Favored Dragon's Release by D. Renee Bagby (200x300)Favored Dragon’s Release
[ Hidden By Dragons 1 ]
by D. Renee Bagby

Bookstrand Publishing

eBook ISBN: 978-1-62740-119-7
Genre: High Fantasy Dragon Romance, MF
Price: $4.50/US
Length: Novel (107,000 words)

He wants her for his bride to end the dragons’ curse but his love for her is ruining his plans.

In the aftermath of a senseless war that claimed many lives, the gods have punished the dragons for causing the conflict. The next generation will not hatch until Prince Shurik finds a human female willing to put aside generations of animosity to become his bride.

Yolette goes to sleep on the side of a mountain, the odd woman out on a couples’ camping trip, and awakes in a field outside the home of a dragon. Transported to an unknown world very different from her own, she must depend on Shurik for shelter and guidance.

Shurik doesn’t anticipate his growing feelings for Yolette, making the task of proposing that much harder. Danger looms from those who want the punishment ended and from those who want it to continue until the last dragon is gone. Shurik must decide whether he will save his people or his love and pray to the gods his choice is the right one.

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