News: Amazon Preorder Times Extended for Indie

Back in April 2019, Amazon made a huge wave in the indie community by allowing authors to post preorders without an uploaded file, just requiring the metadata. That was significant because it would cut back on file mixups happening once the title went live, which resulted in readers getting the placeholder file instead of the final published version.

Amazon has made waves in the indie community again by allowing authors to post preorders up to a year out from the release date. Prior to now, indie authors were only allowed to post preorders for up to 90 days out from release, while other retailers, such as B&N and Kobo, allowed for a year out.

Kindle eBook Pre-Order policy screenshot

Check out the KDP help page for more information about Amazon preorders.

For me personally, this is huge news when it comes to the dragon trilogy I’m currently working on. The plan I have underway is writing all three titles and then releasing them once a quarter. Having the ability to set up a preorder up to a year out will mean posting all three books at once, instead of posting two and then returning at a later date to post the third.

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