News: Newsletter Update

I’ve decided to make a change to the way I do my newsletter. Yes, yes, those who read the newsletter saw some major changes with the beginning of the new year. I’m only two letters in and I’m changing things again.

The current incarnation of the monthly newsletter will remain the same with subscriber-only goodies/contests, the list of author contests, updates from me (both personal and writing), and the sneak peek chapter. However, I will aim (starting in March) to make the newsletter a mid-month affair, which means the 15th of each month (give or take a day or two).

In addition to the monthly newsletter, I have added new release notifications to my roster. This is exactly what it sounds like. Whenever I have a new release, the subscribers on this list will know about it. The notification will include all pertinent information about the title (blurb, genres, price, buy link, cover, etc) as well as the full first chapter to wet your reading appetite.

The notification will also include chances to win the new release. Yes plural since I usually do two or three events with each new release to give away a few copies. The D. Renee Bagby Presents First Chapters blog links, which disappeared when the monthly letter was overhauled, will migrate to the notification emails as well.

Subscribers have the option to get the monthly newsletter, the notifications, or both. It’s up to you. Simply fill out the form in the right-hand column (blue box) with your choices.

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