Newsletter Contest Winners #4 (Jun) + RTC Winners

It’s time to announce the winners of my monthly newsletter roll call. This month I gave away two boxes.

Remember, you have to be subscribed to my newsletter in order to play (hint hint).

June 2011 Newsletter

Box-o-Books #1 Contest Winner
Beth Dareus (FL)

Box-o-Books #2 Contest Winner
Yadira Alonzo (WA)

And, because I have joined the authors of Romance Trading Cards, I am also giving away the first set of my RTC cards in my monthly newsletter contests.

RTC Contest Winners
Rachel Robertson (MS)
Crystal Broyles (KY)
Danielle Lyons (WY)
Lisa Avila (TX)
Carol Luciano (NJ)
Stephanie Thames (CA)
Suzy Roy (IL)
Sarah Ulfers (MN)
Linda Bass (IL)
Patricia Kasner (FL)
Brenda Cannatella (FL)


Join me next month on my newsletter for another box of books, another round of RTC cards giveaway, and more winners.

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