Samhain’s New Releases 01 Jan

What’s New in eBook – includes exciting News!

We’re excited to announce the first New Releases from Linden Bay Romance L.L.C. under the umbrella of Samhain Publishing, Ltd. – find out the details below… as well as Friday eBook Releases from Samhain!

What’s New in eBook at Linden Bay Romance

Publication Date: January 1, 2009
On Sale at:

Eye of the Storm by Lee Rowan
Publisher: Linden Bay Romance L.L.C.
ISBN: 978-1-60202-179-2
Word Count: 40,000
Heat Index: 3 Flames
Categories: Gay/Lesbian Historical
Price: 5.99 Get it Now for 5.39

It’s the Winter of 1802 and the long war between England and France has entered a fragile truce. But the lives of Commander William Marshall and Lieutenant David Archer, have become more complicated than ever.

As a Commander, Will is accustomed to making tough decisions. Can he give an order that will surely put his Davy in harm’s way? He almost lost his lover to a bullet once before and he fears losing him now, yet duty calls.

Davy is tormented by doubt. Will walked away before, trying to end their relationship for Davy’s own safety. Can he trust Will again–not only to stay with him, but to believe that their love is worth the risks?

Read an excerpt or buy at MBaM!

Charming the Darkness by Shiela Stewart
Publisher: Linden Bay Romance L.L.C.
ISBN: 978-1-60202-175-4
Word Count: 50,000
Heat Index: 4 Flames
Categories: The Darkness Series Urban Fantasy
Price: 6.99 Get it Now for 6.29

Unlike his twin brother Dante, Daniel Vega had never been comfortable as a human. When he was offered eternal life as a vampire, he turned his back on his family and welcomed the darkness. All was well until Chaos, the one man Danny thought he could always count on, goes missing. Now, shunned by his own kind, it seems that leaving Jacob’s Cove is his only option. Until he crashes into a high-spirited redhead…

Born from witches, Starla Raine has spent her entire life learning to control and manage her powers. Then she discovers and is drawn to Jacob’s Cove, a city magically cloaked in darkness. When Starla runs into Daniel Vega, a man connected to the infamous spell, she knows just what to do. Hold him hostage and, using any means possible, convince him to give her what she wants.

Soon, the two forge an unlikely partnership and a bargain is struck. Danny agrees to help Starla find the ritual, but only if she’ll work with him to locate Chaos. At first he doesn’t mind using her magical abilities, or her body, for his own gain. Sex is just sex, after all… until someone’s heart gets in the way.

Read an excerpt or buy at MBaM!

What’s New in eBook from Samhain!

Publication Date: January 2, 2009
On Sale at:

Devonshire by Lynne Connolly
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
ISBN: 978-1-60504-349-4
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Natalie Winters

He has everything to gain by letting her in. And everything to lose.

Richard and Rose, Book 2

Now that she’s engaged to Richard, one of the most admired–and passionate–men in society, shy, awkward Rose Golightly can finally hold her head high. She never anticipated that her elevated position would make her the target of a dangerous gang of smugglers.

Behind Richard’s aloof, sophisticated facade lies a man of shrewd intelligence, fierce loyalty, and deep devotion to those he loves. He’s willing to fight fair when necessary, dirty when cornered. Rose is one of only two people he trusts. All she’s ever asked of him is that there be no secrets between them, but there are a few lingering dark corners he’s reluctant to reveal.

Now, Rose’s childhood friend has made a stand against the smugglers that rule the coast, unwittingly putting Rose in danger. With her life at stake, there’s only one way Richard can save her–even if it means his bride has to trade her wedding gown for widow’s weeds.

This title was previously published by NBI.

Warning: This series is addictive. Hot sex and exciting swordplay in this book might stop you sleeping until you reach the end!

Read an excerpt or buy at MBaM

The Devil and Via by Marie Treanor
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Red Hots!
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
ISBN: 978-1-60504-350-0
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Angie Waters

Sun, sex and Satanism–and Via is the chief sacrifice…

The seventh child of a seventh child, Via has always lived a life just shy of normal. That life is also a mess. She hears things other people don’t, and has prophetic dreams she can never quite remember. Eager to escape, she jumps at the chance for a cushy summer job in Italy–where her life goes from merely messy to downright disastrous.

Taxi driver Giancarlo knows what it’s like to feel vulnerable, and can bear any burden–except pity. Rescuing Via from the clutches of a nightmarish satanic cult comes easy. Shielding his heart from her determination to become his lover is a different story. But in her irresistible arms, he begins to believe it’s worth the risk.

Then Via discovers why she is the target of Marinuzzi, a murderous Satanist. He wants her newly unleashed psychic gifts for himself, and he’ll do anything to convince her to give them up, including trap Via into an impossible choice.

A choice that would save Giancarlo’s life–but take away his reason to live.

This title has been previously published.

Warning: Contains edge-of-the-seat sexual tension, some adult language and scenes of satanic orgy.

Read an excerpt or buy at MBaM!

Press Release: December 5, 2008

Samhain Publishing Announces Expansion Plans

Macon, GA — In a bold move, Samhain Publishing announced the acquisition of Linden Bay Romance. In light of the downward spiral of the economy and the rapid consolidation of many of the larger publishers, Samhain Publishing has seized their chance to expand their market share by creating a new fiction line under the popular Samhain brand.

“From the beginning one of my goals was to create multiple lines within Samhain,” says Christina Brashear, owner of Samhain Publishing. “With Linden Bay Romance’s excellent reputation, I made the offer in the hopes the owners would see this sale as a mutual benefit to both houses.”

“We hadn’t considered selling Linden Bay and we were slowly making inroads with regards to increasing print distribution, but we’ve found, especially in light of the economy, neither sales teams nor buyers are very open to taking a chance on something new,” says Lori James, part owner of Linden Bay Romance. “Samhain Publishing has the relationships in place that would take us years to develop.” James continues, “The offer came at a time when we realized under the Samhain umbrella, Linden Bay Romance will be stronger and reach its full potential faster.”

“For Samhain, it is a win-win situation,” says Brashear. “We will expand our lines with an established name in the electronic book industry and we’ll acquire an excellent stable of authors, editors and artists.”

Samhain Publishing opened its doors on November 1, 2005 and already they’ve made a splash in the publishing world. From Publisher’s Weekly features to dozens of fiction and cover art awards, this publisher is one to watch.

Presented by Millennium Promotion Services, Inc.

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