Samhain’s New Releases 01 Nov

New eBooks Available Today & Sneak Peek of More!

November 1, 2008 eBook releases are available and there are more Coming Soon!

Today we kick off the month it all began for Samhain Publishing, Ltd.! Samhain–the Celtic New Year–signifies a new beginning, a rebirth. Pronounced sah-vin by the Scots, sow-in (sow like cow) by the Irish and sam-hine in English, Samhain is the Irish word for November. And November 2005 saw the launch of Samhain Publishing, Ltd., founded with a goal of bringing to compulsive readers books that allow them to discover new worlds and be taken on adventures through the creative minds of today’s brightest authors. Enjoy this month’s adventures!
Obey Me Obey Me by Paige Cuccaro
Genre: Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-223-4
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Publication Date: November 1, 2008
Cover art by Anne Cain

He’s rich, single, sexy and…oh, yeah. Undead.

A Gifted Story

Sophie Merlo dreams of becoming an international journalism star. Until her uncanny nose for news leads her into the path of a brutal serial killer. Now she’d be happy just to survive the week.

Alex wants only one answer from Sophie–how she wormed her way into his exclusive vampires-only club, something no human should be able to do. He thinks he’s being set up in a string of murders, and he’s got a good idea who it is–Octavius, his long-time, bitter rival. Only Octavius could figure out how to leave Alex’s distinctive mark behind on the victims’ throats.

One drop of Alex’s saliva on Sophie’s skin has her babbling a river, swimming in desire for him–and agreeing to use her persuasive powers to help find the real murderer.

Caught in the middle of a century-old feud between two rival vampires, there are only three things Sophie knows for sure: One of them is a killer. The other wants to take her to bed. And they’re both lying.

If she can’t figure out who’s lying about what soon, her career hopes could vanish. Right along with her last drop of blood.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Empath Empath by Bonnie Dee
Genre: Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-224-4
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Publication Date: November 1, 2008
Cover art by Anne Cain

How to trust him…when she can’t even trust herself?

A Gifted Story

Jordan Langley thought he could deal with his empathic “gift”–until a traumatic event drove him into seclusion. As a hermit, he can avoid a world that tears his own emotions to shreds. But now a friend needs his help to reach an autistic boy who witnessed a murder.

Detective Lauren Sadler specializes in blocking her emotions so she can do her job. She can’t deny Jordan’s ability to reach the troubled boy, but she hadn’t counted on how his touch affects her.

In the midst of the investigation, Jordan and Lauren break their own rules, sharing a night of passion that shatters all their barriers. Jordan is intrigued by the vulnerability and self-doubt he senses underneath Lauren’s tough exterior.

But Lauren isn’t sure if she’s ready to yield to the power of the most intimate exchange she has ever known. Even if it’s the only way to catch a killer.

Warning: this title contains the following: explicit sex using graphic terms. Mind sex…you’ll have to read to find out what that is.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Blood Ties Blood Ties by Cathryn Fox
Genre: Red Hots!, Paranormal Romance

ISBN: 1-60504-226-9
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Publication Date: November 1, 2008
Cover art by Anne Cain

Her survival depends on the man–and the erotic sex–of her dreams.

A Claimed story

Dari Blake has spent her life sheltered from the world, believing she has a rare, genetic blood disorder that prevents her from aging. Her overprotective guardians are her only company, except for the mysterious man who enters her nightmares, soothing them into erotic dreams. Only he seems to have the power to help her shut out the cacophony of voices in her head.

Alone in his English castle, Mikel Sare has one mission in life: to protect Dari, his soul mate. Unbeknownst to her, she isn’t suffering from a rare disorder, she is a rare creature herself. She, like Mikel, is a Nallie. Part human, part vampire, one of only two left in the world. Her womb, and her psychic ability, are more powerful–and more dangerous–than she could ever imagine.

Now the alien vampires who created their kind are back, killing everyone in their path as they seek to take control of her child-bearing body. To defeat them, Mikel and Dari must join together–mind, body, blood and soul–in a ritual that will exponentially increase their power.

Warning: This book contains explicit sex, graphic language, ménage a quatre, and a little bit of red-hot manlove. Reading this book without your partner, or a few toys nearby, may be hazardous to your health.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Future Found Future Found by Mima
Genre: Red Hots!, Romantic SciFi-Futuristic
ISBN: 1-60504-225-0
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Publication Date: November 1, 2008
Cover art by Anne Cain

Tending the Spirit has never been so sexy…

A Claimed story

As a tree singer, it is Shay-non’s duty–and pleasure–to tend the chi of the few remaining trees left after the Cataclysm. Even if it means enduring the life-sucking presence of the greedy cybernetic elites who own them.

But the moment she steps into Elite Sandor’s compound, he throws her world into disarray. Instantly, she finds herself tricked into twenty-four hours as his sexual “guest”, an infuriating prospect. Then he lets her see, but not touch, the magnificent oak in his possession. An oak that shouldn’t exist. For one moment with the tree, she’ll do anything–even submit to Sandor’s attentions.

Sand has waited years for Shay’s unmet sexual needs to weaken her defenses enough to make his move. The time is ripe to begin a spiritual revolution, plus convince the lovely singer he has always loved her from afar–all in one day’s time. A daunting task, especially since her earthy sexuality has him making all sorts of deviations from his plan.

Now that he has her captive, he can only pray. That she’ll agree to help him defy the Council and raise an illegal forest temple.

And that she’ll see past his sensual blackmail into his heart.

Warning: This book includes brief references to m/m and ménage relationships. Some readers may be disturbed by references to a death during sex. There’s also sex involving a tree that will forever make you smile when you hear the term “tree-hugger”.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

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