Samhain’s New Releases 04 Mar

Publication Date: March 4, 2008
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Dangerous by Monica Burns
Genre: Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-882-8
Length: Plus Novel
Price: 6.50 Get it Now for 5.85
Cover art by Anne Cain

Behind the mask lies love-a dangerous and deadly emotion.

Constance Athelson, Viscountess Westbury has a gift she can’t reveal. She sees things others can’t, including the dead. The only thing she can’t see is into the heart of Lucien Blakemore, Earl of Lyndham. After one blissful night in his arms, she knows if she’s ever to win his heart, she must free him from his tortured past.

Lucien Blakemore met the Egyptian goddess Isis at a masked ball, but she vanished into the night before he could learn her real name. It’s just as well, since the Blakemore Curse makes love a dangerous and deadly emotion for him. But the erotic night he spent with his mysterious lover makes him want to throw caution aside-if only for one more night with his masked goddess.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex with a hero whose torment equals that of Jane Eyre’s Mr. Rochester.

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Standoff by Lauren Dane
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Red Hots!

ISBN: 1-59998-884-4
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Anne Cain

It’s the law of the Pack–or anarchy.
A Cascadia Wolves story.

For most of his life, Cade Warden has put the needs of his Pack first, setting aside everything else–even the emptiness he feels from having no mate. But Warren Pellini and his thugs have a biological weapon, threatening everything Cade holds dear.

Into his intensely focused, lonely life walks the woman he’s been waiting for.

Packless for many years, Grace Pellini has edged back into the good graces of her evil brother, walking a dangerous line to gather information to aid the Nationally Allied Packs. Cade is everything she could have hoped for in a man and a mate, even if he can be pushy and overprotective.

In the midst of their rising passion and desperate search for the key to disabling the weapon, Pellini raises the stakes by calling an ancient Challenge.

Now it’s Grace’s turn to put her protective instincts aside and stand by, Cade’s life in her hands, as her mate risks everything for his people.

Warning: Hot sexin’ of an Alpha-wolf type nature, some violence due to meddling werewolf mafia involvement, bad words that may end up the subject of a letter to the editor.

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Caddy-Did by Jerri Drennen
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense

ISBN: 1-59998-886-0
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

Can two agents who clash work together to stay alive?

An Aztec Security book.

Kent Jameson is content with his free-and-easy life-until Aztec’s newest recruit lands in his lap and his superiors drop them in the middle of the Everglades with instructions to work out their differences.

Cadence Fleming is excited about becoming an Aztec agent, but she didn’t get what she considers the best of the best as a trainer. Instead, she’s stuck with a man who reeks of booze and sex. While she never thought herself a sharp-tongued prude, Kent seems to bring out the worst in her. Not the best partner to have on a survival training mission.

Then, on day two of their isolation, they come across a body, and their training mission becomes a very real trial by fire. Somewhere in the marshes there’s a killer-and he’s hell bent on making Kent and Cadence his next victims.

Warning: This title contains strong language, run-for-your-life suspense, hot steamy sex and graphic violence.

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Fortune’s Deception by Karen Erickson
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!

ISBN: 1-59998-885-2
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

Winning the lottery changes her life forever…in more ways than one.

One minute Brittney Jones is living paycheck to paycheck, and the next she and three friends win a record-breaking lottery jackpot. Sure, she’s spent some money on herself–after her rough childhood, she figures she deserves a few indulgences, big and small.

To financial advisor Charlie Manning, his client Brittney is a shallow beauty out to spend all of her money. He thinks she should rein it in. She thinks he should loosen up, and resolves to help him do just that–in a very naughty way.

The passion between them burns hot and fast, and Charlie comes to realize Brittney’s heart is as big as her newly fattened bank account. She’s not only smart, but beautiful and sexy. And he can’t resist her.

Still, Charlie is aware that Brittney’s keeping secrets from him. If only she would trust him enough to tell the truth!

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, sex in public places, lots and lots of sex…

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Aphrodite’s Brew by Delle Jacobs
Genre: Historical Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-883-6
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Anne Cain

It’s only a restorative tonic for women. So why are the bachelors of the Ton running scared?

The Earl of Vailmont, a confirmed bachelor who laughs at superstition, scoffs at the rumors that a love potion is behind the recent string of improbable marriages, and he vows to expose the charlatan behind the fraud. But when Val meets Sylvia, Lady Ashbroughton, her silver-green eyes set his soul spinning as if he has just encountered a witch.

Sylvia needs no handsome earls prying into her life. If Val learns of her secret trade in potions, she will be ruined and her beloved stepdaughter will be deprived of her Season. Worse, the earl could uncover Sylvia’s most shameful secret–her penchant for handsome men. To ward him off, she protects her fragile heart from unwanted new passion by wearing her family recipe in a locket.

But neither logic nor charms can combat the stubborn love that sweeps them into a whirl of unbridled passion.

And, from somewhere in the mists of time, a forgotten, nameless god is laughing.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex and unexpected bursts of side-splitting humor.

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A Month From Miami by Barbara Meyers
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy

ISBN: 1-59998-887-9
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Vanessa Hawthorne

They told themselves it was only for a month…

Perrish, Florida was supposed to be just an eye-blink for Kaylee Walsh on her way to a glamorous new life in Miami-minus her sleazy ex-boyfriend. She’s not about to let a little car trouble or an empty wallet throw a monkey wrench into her plans. Not even when there’s a handsome mechanic on the other end of that wrench.

Rick Braddock knows better than to give a second glance to a woman with big-city dreams. But getting Kaylee back on the road means car repairs she can’t afford. So he offers a trade. His services for hers. As a babysitter and housekeeper, that is.

They tell themselves it’s only for a month. But as they settle into comfortably domestic days and intensely intimate nights, Rick realizes what a treasure he’s discovered in Kaylee. And for Kaylee, the lure of Miami is losing its shine.

Then Rick discovers a fortune in stolen gems hidden in her gas tank. Is Kaylee the woman he thought she was-or is she taking him for a ride?

Warning: This title contains blowing and swallowing (of bubble gum), engines overheating with sexual tension, and explicit love scenes featuring superior handling and mind-blowing torque.

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