Samhain’s New Releases 06 May

What’s New from Samhain!
Variety to suit every reader’s taste!
Publication Date: May 6, 2008
Available Now:

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The New releases are available Now!

Stay With Me by Maya Banks
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!

ISBN: 1-59998-934-4
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

Getting her back will be the toughest deal they’ve ever negotiated.

On the night of her fifth anniversary, Catherine Cullen-Wellesley intends to break the news to the two men in her life. She’s pregnant with their child. It’ll be the perfect preamble to the vacation they’ve promised her: Two weeks on a Jamaican beach. No cell phones, no emails, no business.

But when Logan and Rhys blow off the trip for yet another “business emergency”, Catherine faces some difficult truths. She hasn’t come first in her busy husbands’ lives in a long time. Defiantly, she packs her bags for her long-awaited vacation–alone. It’ll give her a chance to figure out what the hell she’s going to do with the rest of her life.

When Logan and Rhys come home to an empty house, they realize two things: One, it was a mistake to take Catherine for granted. Two, they’re not willing to just let her walk out of their lives.

Winning her back will be the most difficult battle of their lives–more important than any business deal they’ve ever negotiated.

Warning: This title contains explicit sex, ménage a trois, a polyamorous relationship, graphic language, and sex near a beach (and in the shower).

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The Countess Takes a Lover by Bonnie Dee
Genre: Red Hots!, Historical Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-937-9
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

Who is learning more…the novice? Or the master?

Countess Meredith du Chevalier, a widow with a reputation for being sexually adventurous, is intrigued when she is approached by a gentleman who wishes her to “make a man” of his son. Sensing a passionate man beneath Christopher Whitby’s reserved exterior, Meredith takes on the challenge, inviting the botanist to her country home to revitalize her abandoned greenhouse.

Chris finds people to be a chaotic, animalistic species, and has chosen to devote his life to the study of plants. One kiss from the vivacious countess, however, and his inner animal is aroused. But lust is only a fraction of what he feels for the vulnerable woman hiding behind a brittle façade. He resolves to coax her to grow until her petals unfurl in a glorious bloom.

To her surprise, Meredith finds Chris brings much more to life than just fallow soil. But just as their love begins to thrive, he learns about the secret arrangement. Meredith must risk her heart for the most dangerous lesson of all–love.

Warning, this title contains the following: Swinging from the vines sex, graphic language, light bondage.

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Midnight Reborn by D. McEntire
Genre: Paranormal Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-952-2
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Dawn Seewer

Never look back…

The Watchers, Book 1

After suffering years of abuse as the virtual prisoner of a drug lord, Robyn Andrews has had enough. A carefully planned escape is her only hope for survival. Her past nipping at her heels, she boards the first bus out of town and heads for Louisville, Kentucky.

Trigg is a Watcher with two missions in life. One, to hunt and eliminate Rogue vampires. Two, to be left alone. Yet he can’t bring himself to harden his heart against the petite woman who looks so lost standing in the rain. And when Robyn joins him in a battle against Rogues, the little spitfire shows the bravery of ten Watchers. She’s someone special, someone he needs in his dark life.

Someone he can never have. He’s vampire; she’s human. A future for them is impossible.

But the past has a way of catching up–and changing destinies with deadly speed.

Warning: This book contains violence, spicy sexual scenes and erotic biting!

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Poison by Joely Skye
Genre: Gay-Lesbian Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-531-4
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Anne Cain

In this world, trust is hard to find…and the one thing they need to survive.

Tobias Smator lives down his late father’s execution by avoiding the spotlight–and responsibility. He doesn’t mind what people think of him as long as they leave him alone. Still, in this unremarkable half-life he’s fashioned for himself on deceptively low-tech Rimania, he’s not safe from political intrigue. Someone wants him dead.

Alliance operative Geln Marac’s orders for his first assignment were simple: Stay uninvolved. Those orders go out the window, however, when he delivers an antidote to save Tobias from death by poisoning. His reward? Possible betrayal that lands him in the hands of police interrogators. To protect the Alliance, Geln resorts to a temporary mindwipe.

Tobias is fascinated by the amnesiac man who saved his life. But Geln has attracted the attention of the high-powered Lord Eberly, who would use him as a pawn. Rather than sacrifice Geln to the political wolves, Tobias chooses to embrace his heritage.

Geln’s memory reawakens to a precarious situation with no source of protection–except Tobias. There’s only one way forward for both of them.

Trust–or die.

Warning: this book contains hot nekkid otherplanetary manlove.

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Still Mine by Mary Wine
Genre: Romantic Suspense

ISBN: 1-59998-957-3
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Dawn Seewer

Love is the last line of defense.

Jolene Benate has spent six years keeping a vow to herself to never again be that weak woman weeping at her young husband’s graveside. Now she’s a deputy marshal on the elite warrant squad, as physically and mentally tough as they come. But moving on isn’t as easy as it looks.

Especially when the husband she thought was dead suddenly reappears. And, even in the face of his betrayal, she still wants him.

Paul Benate’s gifted mind was groomed from a young age to serve the military and its top-secret projects. His one youthful act of rebellion was to marry Jolene, only to discover a terrorist could use her to force him to give up his classified secrets. For her own safety, he had to let her go.

But the safety he thought was assured by his “death” was only an illusion. Secrets have a way of surfacing, and once again Jolene is the perfect target. There’s only one thing left to do…reclaim the woman that he has always loved.

Even if she’s mad as hell at him.

Warning: Hot and flammable. Sometimes they just don’t make it to the bedroom.

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