Samhain’s New Releases 07 April

New Samhain Publishing eBooks on Sale!

Publication Date: April 3, 2009
On Sale at MBaM:

Phantom Desires by Bianca D’Arc
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Red Hots!

ISBN: 978-1-60504-485-9
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Angela Waters

This time, the creature under the basement is real. And dead sexy.

Brotherhood of Blood, Book 3

Computer expert Carly is tired, burned out and ready to downgrade her hectic lifestyle to something simpler. Her solution–pull up stakes and move to an old farm house in the middle of Wyoming. Her new house is full of old-time charm, and it comes with an unexpected surprise. Dmitri Belakov.

Dmitri, a Master Vampire, had an agreement with the former owners of the house to let him live peacefully beneath it in his hidden lair. Now there’s a new owner, and he may have to risk revealing his presence to negotiate a new contract. He moves cautiously because if she won’t deal, he’ll have to kill her once she knows his secret. Carly’s mind is unusually hard to influence, but he makes inroads when she is asleep.

Their shared dreams are more erotic than he ever expected, firing a hunger within him to know her feel and taste in the flesh. But doing so risks far too much. Even if Carly can’t deny the attraction arcing between them, loving him will force her to make a choice. An eternity in darkness with him–or life in the sun without him.

This book has been previously published and has been substantially revised and expanded from its original release.

Warning: This book contains graphic language, explicit sex, very naughty dreamwalking and passionate neck biting.

Read an excerpt or buy by clicking on the book cover!

Howling for My Baby by Beverly Rae
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Romantic Comedy

ISBN: 978-1-60504-484-2
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Angie Waters

Romeo and Juliet never had to worry about being skinned alive.

Sydney Skeller’s father is spitting bullets over her reluctance to join the family business as a shifter hunter. The last thing Daddy needs to know is why–she yearns for a lover who’s man enough for a relationship but animal enough to give her the wild ride of her dreams. After a treadmill mishap lands her in a tangled heap with Jason Cannon, she wonders if she’s finally found her beast, er, man. One session in bed and one bite later, she’s sure. Now if only she can keep her father from mounting Jason’s head on a wall…

Jason is all man on the surface, but wolf shifter down to the bone. He’s more than ready to stop “playing the pack” and find his one true mate, and Sydney of the luscious curves is the woman of his dreams. Finding out that she comes from a family sworn to eradicate his kind isn’t a deal-breaker. But her outrageous plan for him to masquerade as the wolf in hunter’s clothing, right under her father’s very nose, could be asking more than he ever expected to give.

This book was previously published in ebook form only under the title Kissin’ in the Moonlight, and has been revised from its original release.

Warning: Readers, be aware of stranger side effects. These side effects may include but aren’t limited to the following: biting strangers, asking furry strangers to bite you, purposely falling off treadmills to collide with handsome strangers, enjoying hot sex with wild strangers, and baying at the moon to meet other moon-influenced strangers. If you notice any of these side effects, contact the author immediately. You may be the heroine of her next book!

Read an excerpt or buy by clicking on the book cover!

Forsaken Talisman by Ashleigh Raine
Genre: Paranormal Romance

ISBN: 978-1-60504-483-5
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Jason Stoddard

Is she a victim of a madman’s agenda, or a willing player in his demonic games?

Talisman Bay Series, Book 2

Kidnapped and mind-wiped by the Shadow Walkers’ greatest nemesis, Skylar has no memories of her own, except for her name. All she knows is what memories she does possess belong to someone else–as does her face–and that she can’t trust anyone, including herself.

Shadow Walker Dusty Clements goes against direct orders to rescue Skylar and take her into hiding. It’s the only way to get to the truth, and keep her out of the hands of an enemy who could use her to wipe out the entire organization. The last complication Dusty needs is to fall for her.

As Dusty and Skylar work to uncover the secrets of her past, they discover a mystery more than twenty years in the making, and a love they can’t deny.

The enemy has one more trick up his sleeve though–a magical kiss capable of probing the deepest secrets of the mind. All he needs to bring the Shadow Walkers down is to get his lips on Skylar one more time…

This book was previously published but has been completely revised, rewritten, re-edited, with an addition of more than 25,000 words.

Warning, this title contains the following: Sex in an interdimensional cave. Hot men ripping demons apart bare-handed. Liberal use of the f-word as verb, adjective, threat and sexual promise. Oh, and wet and soapy sex in the shower followed by warm bodies sliding between cool sheets–yes, sex in a bed. It’s almost normal!

Read an excerpt or buy by clicking on the book cover!

Publication Date: April 7, 2009
On Sale at MBaM:

Adder Adder by Ally Blue
Genre: Gay-Lesbian Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-487-3
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

Music. Sex. Fame. What’s missing? Surely not the “L” word…

Adder has a plan for his life: play his music for millions of adoring fans, who will reward him with money, fame and as much sex as he can handle. It’s a goal he’s been working toward since his teens and is on the cusp of achieving. The idea of a relationship never entered his mind–until a new drummer joins his band. One taste of Kalil, and all he wants is more.

For Kalil, playing drums for Adder is a dream come true, the creative connection he’s always wanted. What he never reckoned on is the deeper connection he finds with Adder. Kalil would rather avoid sexual involvement with a bandmate, but Adder seems just as determined to break through his resistance.

Attraction aside, music and sex are about the only things the hedonistic Adder and the increasingly jealous Kalil can agree on. Still, before they know it they’re on the brink of something deeper, something lasting.

And it scares the hell out of both of them.

Warning: This book contains adult language, hot gay sex, weird bands, colorful prophylactics and unforgivable fashion crimes.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Tempt Me Twice Tempt Me Twice by Eden Bradley
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-489-7
Length: Short Story
Price: 2.50 Get it Now for 2.25
Cover art by Anne Cain

One hot man is good. Two’s double the fun…until your heart gets involved.

Jessie has been in love with her bisexual best friend, Paul, since their college days. He’s never made a move on her, though, and at this point she values his friendship too much to risk revealing her feelings. Especially since now he has a new male lover and seems so happy.

Paul and Noah have only Jessie’s rest and relaxation in mind when they invite her along on a camping trip to Lake Tahoe. She’s been pretty stressed out preparing to show her art at a major New York gallery. A weekend getaway will do her a world of good–and they won’t take no for an answer.

Jesse thought she’d be nothing more than a third wheel on this trip. But Noah is as sweet and hot as Paul, and their first night turns into a heated tangle of bodies in the dark tent by the lake.

It’s an erotic, intense experience that must come to an end. And when it does, will she still have her best friend?

Warning: Explicit and unusual sex in nearly every possible combination: boy on girl, boy on boy, boys on girl, with a little anal action and some spanking thrown in just to keep things interesting!

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Turbulent Passions Turbulent Passions by Anne Rainey
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-490-3
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

Love. Is it blind luck? Or just a lump on the head?

Sapphire Demas and her twin brother have a secret. Since the awful day their parents were killed, they’ve been in hiding, fearful the same fate will befall them. Now she’s grown tired of living a half-life, tired of lying. She wants something just for herself. When she stumbles across an unconscious man while hiking through the woods and brings him home to heal, she knows she’s found it. Even if he’s a dangerous outsider.

Investigative journalist Adam Richton trusts only one thing–his nose for news. He’s never failed to get a story and doesn’t intend to start now. Until a beautiful and mysterious woman rescues him. In an instant, he forgets all about his career. Now all he wants is Sapphire, any way he can get her.

Then he witnesses something extraordinary that puts his reporter instincts back on full alert. Something that exposes Sapphire’s secrets, challenges him to believe the unbelievable…and to trust in something way out of his comfort zone: love.

Warning: This title contains hot, steamy, explicit sex. Oral sex. Sex in public places. And sex using scarves and other naughty things.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

My Lady My Lady by Shiloh Walker
Genre: Fantasy Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-486-6
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

In the darkest of nights, hope shines through.

Pawn in her father’s maniacal quest for power, Princess Nae Corda doesn’t see any way of escaping her impending marriage to the leader of the Oonkaen. That is until a dark shadow enters her prison-like bedroom–and offers her hope.

King Tyan will do anything to save his kingdom and the lives of his goblin people–even if it means flying into his enemy’s land to steal away an elvish princess. Ty has plans for Princess Nae. What he didn’t plan on was falling for her–heart, wing and soul.

But in a world where war, dragons, lies and danger lurk everywhere, the future is uncertain at best.

Warning: This title contains dragons, goblins and elves all behaving badly.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Facing It Facing It by Linda Winfree
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense
ISBN: 978-1-60504-488-0
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Anne Cain

There are worse things than facing your greatest fear.

A Hearts of the South story.

Mired in a brutal marriage for far too long, Ruthie Chason takes her courage and her children in hand to flee the trap that has become her life. Yet she’s no fool. She knows he’ll come after her once he discovers she possesses criminal evidence that will put him away for good–and seal her deadly fate if he ever catches up with her.

Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Parker offers emotional refuge, a safe place to begin to reclaim her life…if she can let herself trust the strong, quiet cop that far.

Chris surprises himself when he agrees to act as guardian for Ruthie and her children. He does it as a favor, then finds something about her calm strength soothes his battered soul. Now if only he can silence the demons from his past that make him cautious of falling too fast for any woman.

Their need explodes into a heart-stopping night of passion that exposes their deepest vulnerabilities. But just as they begin to explore how healing love can be, violence tracks them down. And backs them into a desperate corner…

Warning: Contains a to-die-for deputy with secrets in his past, a woman ripe for the love of a good man, and a controlling husband bent on revenge. Deep emotion, passionate lovemaking and violent mayhem to ensue.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Presented by Millennium Promotion Services, Inc.

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