Samhain’s New Releases 07 Mar

Friday March 7th eBooks Available!
Available Now:
Dark Prince of Anfall by Ciar Cullen
Genre: Paranormal Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-200-5
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for $4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

The bad boy Elf of Anfall shifts his way into a Texas Ranger’s heart.

Princes of Anfall Book 2

Prince Senn of Anfall has earned his rep as the player in the family–until one woman, a Great Lander, brings him to his knees. Tara, one of only two gifted shapeshifters left in Anfall, is all Senn craves. Though he could do without her don’t-mess-with-Texas attitude.

A newcomer to Anfall, Tara has a lot on her plate as she hides from her abusive husband, learns the truth of her heritage and deals with the sparks that fly between her and Senn as he helps her explore her shapeshifting gifts.

But before they can give in fully to the mutual temptation, the Spirit has predestined a little more work for the royals of Anfall and their friend Tim Emory. Senn, Tara and their companions Tim and Luke must rescue little brother Palin from a new evil. And the ultimate dysfunctional family must face their inner demons as well.

It’s business as usual in Anfall–sex, misunderstandings, magic, danger and a whole lotta love.

Explicit sex with hot shapeshifting elven princes, graphic language describing the explicit sex with hot shapeshifting elves, ménage a trios (with a hot elf), mild violence, scary evil sorceress.

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Night Rhythm by Charlene Teglia
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Red Hots!

ISBN: 1-59998-888-7
Length: Short Story
Price: 2.50 Get it Now for $2.25
Cover art by Dawn Seewer

He’s waited centuries for her rebirth. Can he persuade her to love again?

A Sirens story.

Once, Valentine had everything: Position, wealth, love and happiness. Then tragedy struck. Over the centuries, he has clung to the prophecy that his love will be reborn, but when he meets Lisette, she’s no longer his wife, no longer his love. She no longer remembers their life together.

After a chance meeting with Valentine, Lisa can’t shake the lingering impression he leaves behind–or the odd feelings he stirs. He gives her two gifts: A necklace, and a dream of passion that awakes her memory. But are these memories she can trust?

After all, Lisa isn’t the woman she once was. And Valentine is no longer human.

Reprint: This book has been previously published and has been revised and expanded from its original release.

Warning: Hot, explicit sex with fangs, timeless romance, reincarnation, graphic monogamy, and use of a pearl necklace in manners not intended by the manufacturer.

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