Samhain’s New Releases 23 Sep

What’s New in eBook from Samhain!

WIN Books!

Publication Date: September 23, 2008
On Sale here:
If All The Sand Were Pearl If All The Sand Were Pearl by Pepper Espinoza
Genre: Red Hots!, Gay-Lesbian Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-199-8
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Anne Cain

Love…or freedom?

A Calling of Souls story

As a youngest son, Jag Martin has eagerly walked a life-long path toward the priesthood. Then his once-great family falters under a mountain of debt. Their only hope–marry Jag off to an appropriately wealthy suitor.

Brace Rivers desperately wants more than just a short fling. However, his economic and political reality makes finding an appropriate male partner next to impossible. When the Martin family offers Jag’s hand, it’s a dream come true. But his suspicions mount that the young man is being forced into an unwanted marriage.

Compassion wins out over loneliness, and Brace offers Jag a pearl ring valuable enough to both save his family’s fortunes and give him freedom. There’s just one thing Brace wants in return–twenty-four hours together.

Brace can only pray it’s long enough to convince Jag that a life together is worth more than all the pearls in the sea.

Warning: Explicit M/M content, use of toys, outdoor sex.

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By A Silken Thread By A Silken Thread by MK Mancos
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-198-X
Length: Plus Novel
Price: 6.50 Get it Now for 5.85
Cover art by Anne Cain

Two women…linked by one deadly memory.

On an ice-encrusted road in New Jersey, Tara Johanan loses control of her car and drives off an embankment. At the same moment in Palmetto Springs, Florida, in an unwitnessed attack, Charlotte Durand is shot in the head and left for dead.

Both women die. Both return. But near-death experiences are not always straightforward. Tara woke up with the voice and memories of a comatose woman in her head. And she can remember a shooting she never witnessed.

Telling the family a loved one is the victim of a violent crime is the worst part of the job for Detective Marcus Danforth. When his stepsister is the victim, and the loved ones his family and best friend, it’s crippling. He’ll do anything to uncover the mystery of Charlotte’s shooting.

Believing the story of a beautiful accident victim may be too much for him–even in the face of overwhelming desire. Even as the shadows of death grow darker.

Warning: Book contains determined heroine searching for answers for her psychic visions and hero torn between arresting her or kissing her senseless.

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Secret Intentions Secret Intentions by Caitlyn Nicholas
Genre: Romantic Suspense
ISBN: 1-60504-197-1
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Angela Waters

Just when you think things can’t get any worse…

Zani’s mission is simple. Go undercover as personal assistant to the loathsome Corbin de Villiers, prove he’s leaking corporate secrets, and leave him to the tender mercies of the fraud squad. Her family name will remain untouched by any hint of scandal, and she can get on with building custom-designed yachts.

Things get complicated when she discovers that Corbin is less loathsome–and far sexier–than she’d ever imagined.

Corbin’s new PA may be easy on the eyes, but she can’t even find the computer’s on button. He has no choice but to fire her; still, she doesn’t take the hint. Everywhere he turns she pops up, keen to divert him from tracking down the person who is out to destroy his company.

It’s crystal clear that she’s up to something. Maybe it’s better to keep her close. For investigative purposes, of course. That she’s temptation with a capital T has got nothing to do with it. Nothing.

Complicated doesn’t even begin to cover it when Zani is kidnapped by the Russian Mafia. Entangled in a rapidly unraveling web of lies, Zani and Corbin must learn the rules of this new game fast…or die.

This title contains graphic descriptions of luxury yachts. Oh, and some hot sex, as well. A moderate amount. You have been warned.

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Becoming Miss Becky Becoming Miss Becky by Shannon Stacey
Genre: Historical Romance, Western Romance
ISBN: 1-59998-860-7
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

A sheriff with a stone-cold reputation. An innocent madam hell-bent on disturbing his peace. Who will be the first to give in?

Rebecca Hamilton passed through life as bland as biscuits–until the day she buried her father and fled out West with a fortune in stolen jewelry. She arrives in Gardiner, Texas to find her aunt has bequeathed to her the only whorehouse in town.

With no other prospects except a proposal from a tall, dark stranger wearing a badge, Rebecca decides to embrace her vibrant aunt’s legacy and never again live under the thumb of an overbearing man.

After years of cultivating a reputation as a ruthless lawman, Adam Caldwell can’t believe he’s offered to marry the quiet, rather plain new madam. Even more perplexing is the fact she turns him down, choosing instead to become a sass-talkin’, sashay-walkin’ vision in feathers and lace.

With an innocent madam wanting him to teach her to be as wicked as she looks and rowdy townsfolk split over the scandal, the sheriff figures his cup of troubles is about full. But a man from Rebecca’s past catches up with her, and Adam has to decide just how much he’s willing to sacrifice for the woman who refuses to give up on becoming Miss Becky.

Warning: This book contains some brawlin’, some cussin’, and the kind of wanton lovin’ that brings a man to his knees.

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With Or Without You With Or Without You by Kyann Waters
Genre: Red Hots!, Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-200-5
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Tuesday Dube

The best mistake she ever made…

Tessa Brooks is dated. Not dated as in going out with men–having dinner and light conversation in poorly lit restaurants in hopes of finding someone with whom she can get naked. No, Tessa is dated. And the year she seems stuck in is 1988. The year her life changed.

With her twenty-year high school reunion coming up, Tessa’s daughter has surprised her with a makeover on the Jade Star television talk show. However, that’s not the only surprise. Enter Matt Toler, the best mistake she ever made. Tessa might not feel a ribbon of panic tightening around her neck if Matt had spoken to her again after their one-night sexual encounter…and if knew he had a daughter.

Warning: This story contains hot hotel sex to keep you up all night, then turns up the heat in more than the kitchen.

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