Samhain’s New Releases 26 Aug

What’s New in eBook from Samhain!
Publication Date: August 26, 2008
On Sale here:
What's a Ghoul to do? What’s a Ghoul to Do? by Mardi Ballou
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 1-60504-142-4
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Natalie Winters/Dawn Seewer

She’s the only mate he wants. But love isn’t on the menu.

Fangly, My Dear series

Lilith P. Graves needs to get a life. A social life. This shouldn’t be a problem, since she’s partnered with her best friend in the “Fangly, My Dear” dating service. Problem is, she keeps falling for the wrong guys, and they don’t get more wrong than the super-hot alpha Rafe Graywolf.

With the history of bad blood between her kind and his, the message is clear: Vegetarian demi-ghouls need not apply.

Obeying the call of duty, Rafe took the role of alpha at a rough time for the pack. For the sake of stability, the elders insist he find a mate. Now. A dating service isn’t normally his cut of steak, but he has little time–or choice.

But Lilith…now there’s a choice morsel he could sink his teeth into. Too bad they’re on opposite ends of the ghoul-werewolf social spectrum. Not to mention the food chain…

Warning: This title contains a several heaping helpings of hot, sizzling sex!

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Walk Among Us Walk Among Us by Vivien Dean
Genre: Gay-Lesbian Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 1-60504-185-8
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Anne Cain

The only man he can trust is the killer he can’t stop thinking about.

A Calling of Souls story

As an artist in New York City, Calvin Shumacher finally has the life he’s always wanted. In fact, only one thing can get him to come back to Illinois–his father’s funeral. All he wants is to bury his dad and hightail it back to New York, but a sniper at the graveyard puts those plans on indefinite hold.

So does Matthew Soto. The gorgeous gunman who speaks of monsters wearing human faces. And predicts there won’t be a body for police to find.

Calvin doesn’t know what to think when Matthew claims he didn’t do anything wrong. All he knows is that this man’s haunted eyes seem to pierce right into his soul.

But as each of Matthew’s assertions comes true, Calvin slowly realizes this killer could be the only thing standing between him and an unspeakable evil…

Warning: Contains explicit m/m sex, violence, and an ex-priest wondering how he can change the world.

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The Final Act The Final Act by Bonnie Dee
Genre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-141-6
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

Life imitates art? One can only hope…

Elena is a by-the-script actress whose co-star, Michael, has a gift for improvisation that drives her crazy. Fighting a fiery chemistry, they work to keep their on-stage romance where it belongs–on the stage. But a year-long road tour stretches before them. How long can they keep a lid on their simmering passion?

When his left-behind boyfriend, Tom, seems withdrawn on the phone, Denny questions his lover’s faithfulness. Their once-solid relationship faces its biggest test during the long separation.

Inexperienced Gretchen is thrilled to land her first professional role in the musical, Transitions, but the pressures of performing are more than she bargained for. Entranced by her wholesome sweetness, Jake, the pit guitarist, endangers the very qualities he admires by giving her a “little something” to take the edge off her nerves.

Every night for a year, they’ll play out a “happily ever after” on the stage. Before the last curtain call, will life imitate art?

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex using graphic terms. Almost public sex, m/m sex, drug-addled sex and a lot of horny backstage fooling around.

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Gypsy Legacy: The Duke Gypsy Legacy: The Duke by Denise Patrick
Genre: Historical Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-182-3
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Natalie Winters

He doesn’t need a wife. She doesn’t want a husband. Destiny’s not listening.

Book 2 in the Gypsy Legacy Series

As children, Brand Waring, heir to the Duke of Warringham, and his brother were kidnapped and sold to a plantation in the West Indies. Now Brand is back to wreak vengeance on those responsible for his brother’s subsequent death. The last thing he wants, or needs, is to be distracted by an instant attraction to a flighty Society belle.

Felicia Collings has found it easy to refuse every marriage proposal, thanks to a ring left to her by her gypsy great-grandmother. Reportedly it will lead her to the man whom she is destined to marry. To her relief, the ring has been blessedly silent on this issue. Until Brand recognizes it, and sparks fly.

In spite of himself, Brand finds himself drawn to the beauty, and to the wounded soul reflected in her eyes. At his gentle hands, Felicia begins to learn what it means to be cherished and loved.

Then the past rears its head to threaten their fragile happiness. As Brand begins to doubt whether vengeance is as sweet as a lifetime with Felicia, he finds himself racing to save them both from not one cold-blooded killer–but two.

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Behind the Mask Behind the Mask by Tawny Taylor
Genre: Red Hots!, Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-138-6
Length: Short Story
Price: 2.50 Get it Now for 2.25
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

Three nights of uninhibited kink–and you’re invited.

Kelly Bennett is about to embark on a journey into a strange and foreign world, where men and women play erotic games of power and lust, hiding behind masks. A dark world of bondage, of domination and submission, of masters and slaves. The world of Masquerade Weekend.

But her journey is not a solitary one. She’s found a willing guide in Rogan Cayne, a man who knows his way around. A man with the strength to keep her safe as she indulges in some experimentation, and maybe a game or two of cat and mouse. As she lets Rogan slowly lure her with a touch, a look, and a few whispered words, she suddenly finds she’s a mouse with one very fierce cat on her tail.

Rogan isn’t about to let Kelly play it safe during this weekend of decadent, carnal exploration. In fact, before the weekend draws to a close, he intends to strip away her every defense and bring the luscious little submissive to her knees.

But is he willing to pay the price to discover what lies beneath her mask?

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, mild bondage and discipline, exhibitionism, BDSM themes, and a couple of naughty games

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The Mister Trophy The Mister Trophy by Frank Tuttle
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy-SciFi
ISBN: 1-60504-140-8
Length: Short Story
Price: 2.50 Get it Now for 2.25
Cover art by Anne Cain

A troll’s missing head could cause Markhat to lose his own.

A Markhat story.

All the finder Markhat wanted was a beer at Eddie’s. Instead he gets a case that will bring him face to fang with crazed, blood-craving halfdead, a trio of vengeful Troll warriors, and Mama Hog’s backstreet magic. Plus, the possible resurgence of the Troll War.

All right in his own none-too-quiet neighborhood.

Through the town of Rannit’s narrow alleys and mean streets, Markhat tries to stay one step ahead of disaster. And ignore Mama Hog’s dire warnings that this time, the head that rolls could be his own.

This book has been previously published and has been revised and expanded from its original release.

Warning: This book contains well-dressed vampires, extremely polite Trolls, and occasional bursts of humor. Avoid reading it when landing aircraft, welding in the nude, or taunting grumpy jackals while wearing pork chop earmuffs.

Read an excerpt or purchase online

Presented by Millennium Promotion Services, Inc.

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