Samhain’s New Releases 28 Oct

What’s New & Coming Soon in eBook from Samhain!
Publication Date: October 28, 2008
On Sale here:
An Inner Darkness An Inner Darkness by Ally Blue
Genre: Gay-Lesbian Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 1-60504-227-7
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

All hell’s about to break loose. Literally.

Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 5

After more than a year as a couple–and plenty of bumps along the road–Sam Raintree and Dr. Bo Broussard are finally settling into life together. Bo has come to terms with his sexuality, their business is thriving, and Sam has begun to accept his role as a step-parent of sorts to Bo’s sons, Sean and Adrian. The only real dark spot is Bo’s ex-wife, Janine.

When eleven-year-old Adrian begins exhibiting signs of psychokinesis–the same ability which allows Sam to manipulate interdimensional portals–the friction between Sam, Bo and Janine escalates. Sam and Bo have reason to believe Adrian’s raw, uncontrolled talent poses a danger to him and those around him. Janine, however, believes Sam and Bo are encouraging dangerous delusions on Adrian’s part. Common ground is nonexistent, anger and hard words ever-present.

Caught in the middle of the conflict and burdened with an ability he can’t yet control, Adrian is soon pushed beyond his limits. With Adrian’s mind–and the lives of everyone around him–hanging in the balance, Sam and Bo race against time to save both boys and keep an otherworldly horror from breaking free.

Warning: This book contains graphic language, explicit male/male sex, family drama and scary monsters.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Close Encounters Close Encounters by B. H. Dark
Genre: Red Hots!, Romantic SciFi-Futuristic
ISBN: 978-1-60504-139-1
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Anne Cain

If the tube’s a-rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’…

Odilia is a nice planet. The sky is purple, the grass is yellow, the property prices aren’t that bad. But reproduction is painful, solitary, and asexual. Which is why the Odilians find the recently discovered “X-rated” disks from Earth so fascinating. And why the money-making scheme they’re hatching is so brilliant.

The plan is simple: abduct four Earthlings and juice them up on a heady pheromone cocktail. Then plop them in a variety of titillating holographic scenarios and market the results as reality entertainment–for vast profits.

The four chosen humans are strangers to each other, but not to life’s disappointments. Leandros, a lounge singer who’s never committed to anything longer than an Elvis medley. Eve, an interior designer who’s living a life much more beige than bold. Beau, a laid-back car mechanic who wants more from life than oil changes. And Cassandra, an innocent debutante who’s learned most of her sexual know-how from self-help books.

As unwilling–okay, sort of willing–stars of the Odilians’ budding intergalactic porn empire, the four of them consider their options. Relax and enjoy the ride? Try to escape?

How about fall in love?

Warning: This book contains voyeuristic aliens, hologram cowboy orgies, big “toys”, disco, and gratuitous use of the word “baby”.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Where Dreams Are Made Where Dreams Are Made by Anne Hope
Genre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-222-6
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Natalie Winters/Rae Monet

Breaking his heart may be the only way to save his life.

A woman running from the past…

Jenny Logan is alone, penniless, and indebted to a ruthless man who will stop at nothing to own her. All she wants is a chance to pursue her dreams and make a fresh start, but the past refuses to release her.

A man hiding from the future…

Daniel Frost, a scarred, reclusive toymaker, is trying to escape his memories. Burdened by guilt over a violent car accident that destroyed his family, he believes loneliness is the only way to atone for his sins.

Sometimes, today is all that matters…

One magical Christmas, Daniel’s meddlesome grandfather secretly hires Jenny to act as his grandson’s assistant, starting them both on the road to recovery. On a remote island where miles of sea meet miles of sky, two lonely people learn that love can heal even the deepest scars–but it comes at a price.

Warning: This title contains violence, sex, emotional intensity that may cause your mascara to run, and a dark, sexy hero who’ll make you want to believe in Santa all over again.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

The Fury The Fury by Sloan McBride
Genre: Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-213-8
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Natalie Winters

From the Heavens comes a hero who will take your breath away.

Reese Whittaker dreams of falling for a man who shares her love of archeology and ancient civilizations. But being attacked by a horde of demons and rescued by a Sumerian God–a well-armed, gorgeous Sumerian God–opens up a whole new world she never knew existed. And awakens a mysterious power within her that attracts all kinds of supernatural attention.

Dagan, son of the Air-God Enlil and a Time Walker, is sworn to protect the human race in general, and one young woman in particular–Reese. He’s not the only one mysteriously attracted to her powerful life force. Underworld leader Kur craves it for the untold power it will give him to strike a blow at the deities of Dilmun.

Dagan is forbidden by law from interacting with Reese, but from the moment he sees her, the fury–an intense sexual need for bonding–blinds him to all the rules. Should the pantheon discover he has fallen for a human, the punishment could mean suffering beyond imagining for him…and death for her.

Warning: Contains language, lots of action, Sumerian Gods, gorgeous men, tough, stubborn women and some creatures from the Underworld that make life hell.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Ariadne's Thread Ariadne’s Thread by Marie Treanor
Genre: Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-219-0
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Angela Waters

It was supposed to be a simple burglary…but the ghosts had other ideas.

Glaswegian single mother Ariadne McSween is not having a happy New Year. Instead of celebrating with family and friends in time-honoured tradition, she’s helping her scallywag brother and his even less-savoury friends burgle a mansion in the Scottish Highlands. And nothing is going right.

First there’s the bad weather and car breakdowns. Then, instead of a quick, quiet robbery under cover of a noisy party, Addie finds herself flirting outrageously with the house’s owner, sexy concert pianist and accused murderer, John Maxwell. Worse, her violent and erratic accomplice, Shug, takes their hosts hostage.

Another complication: The house turns out to be haunted, and not just by the ghost of eminent composer Christopher Maxwell. Two randy spirits drawn to the lust of living want to join the party–along with the vengeful shade of John’s murdered wife.

Soon Addie becomes entangled in a host of mysteries, like why are Ariadne and her cohorts being paid to rob a house that holds nothing more valuable than dusty musical manuscripts? And most of all, how does she avoid falling in love with the chief victim of her crime?

Warning: This book contains explicit and musical sex, adult language and swearing in Glaswegian.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Devil Falls Devil Falls by Angelle Trieste
Genre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-220-X
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Natalie Winters

All he wants is silence. All she wants are answers.

Damien Kirk was once a world-renowned cellist, celebrated across five continents for his musical gift. Now he lives in self-imposed isolation on a small Caribbean island.

Biography writer Victoria Benedict is looking for a story…and she’s not the type to take no for an answer. Her appearance on his doorstep shatters his reclusive existence.

Determined to be rid of her, Damien demands a quid pro quo: a kiss for each answer to her interview questions. Her response is as arousing as it is unexpected. As Damien and Victoria escalate their sensual game of cat and mouse, Victoria discovers the passionate soul underneath Damien’s cold exterior…and a shocking story of secrets and betrayal.

Warning: This title contains the following: sex, scorching kisses, killer breakfasts, a hot tropical island and a happily ever after.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

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