Samhain’s New Releases 29 Apr

What’s New & Coming Soon from Samhain!
Variety to suit every reader’s taste!
Publication Date: April 29, 2008
Available Now:
Some Kind of Hero by Michelle Cary
Genre: Contemporary Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-928-X
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Angela Waters

Courage comes in many forms…

After serving his tour of duty in Iraq, Sergeant Derek Rison returns home to find his apartment–and his life–in ruins. Sitting in the back booth of a local diner, contemplating his options, Derek meets waitress Jordan Minx, a petite brunette with a sad smile and a big heart.

Well-intentioned Jordan offers him a place to sleep, but an accidental encounter in the bathroom lands them both in her bed. Derek discovers a woman with an insatiable appetite for sex and a secret to hide–her “boyfriend” blackmails her to be a toy for his group of kinky friends.

Bolstered by Derek’s love, Jordan finds the courage to do the right thing. But the cost of freedom could be her life.

Warning, this title contains the following: Explicit sex, spankings, ménage a trois, violence.

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Mayan Secrets by Ciar Cullen
Genre: Romantic Suspense

ISBN: 1-59998-178-5
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

Passion and danger on a collision course with the Mayan Underworld…

If you found an antique journal with the map to the Mayan Underworld, would you follow it? If you’re Tyre “Indiana” Rasmussen, you would. Tyre’s reputation for unorthodox treasure hunting is matched only by his reputation for breaking hearts.

The ever-professional Troya Twamley is determined to get her hands on the secret journal of a great explorer, even if that means joining forces with the sexy renegade and his oddball crew.

Tyre and Troya think they’re about to discover an ancient treasure, but instead find a horror that might end their torrid affair-and their lives.

Warning: This story is graphic! Do not read if you dislike hot naked archaeologists doing the Mayan horizontal mambo, exotic locales, and spine-tingling suspense. If breathing and pulse rate increase, seek help immediately.

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Divinity in Chains by Danielle Devon
Genre: Fantasy Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-926-3
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Dawn Seewer

In the beginning there is always darkness…

Aramon’s blood runs hot for the ravishingly beautiful Eliyn, the mysterious young woman who seemed to appear like magic out of the woods, lost and alone. But as Garde Lumia of the kingdom of Kinra, he is bound by duty to his country and the divine family he has sworn to protect. Aramon must marry according to his high station, the laws of the kingdom have no care for the desires of his heart.

Eliyn lost the only family she has ever known to the barbaric Viscans, and is grateful to the royal family for taking in. She knows Aramon would willingly defy his king to bond with her if she would only say the word, but she is mindful of her low-born status. All she can ever have of him are nights of forbidden passion.

Then a dark ship appears on the horizon, a ship bearing Araqael, the Night Lord cast from the heavens by the goddess herself. The centerpiece of his plot for revenge is his intended bride–Eliyn. The world would be hers to command if only she would take her place at his side. She must choose between the demon who could offer her everything and the man who could offer her nothing but his heart.

But Divinity has other plans…

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Take A Stranger No More by Beth Kery
Genre: Historical Romance, Red Hots!

ISBN: 1-59998-929-8
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Dawn Seewer

Once a servant…now the master.

The Adventures of the St. Claire Servants Book 1

Kit Chevalier has a serious problem. She’s loved Max St. Clair, her sinfully handsome guardian, since she was a child of six and he a young man of nineteen. But now he stubbornly refuses to notice that she’s grown into a woman. Armed with a few shocking secrets from Max’s servant, Kit sets out to persuade him she is no longer a child.

Long ago, Max was a servant himself, indentured like all St. Clair princelings to a noble family in order to teach them humility…and how to best pleasure their masters in bed. Once indentured to Kit’s parents, he is now pledged to protect Kit-and her virtue-until he can honorably hand her off to a suitable husband.

And hand her off he will. Quickly, before he loses his weakening resolve to keep his own hands off her. The last thing he wants to do is expose the fragile beauty to the carnal appetites of his ancient line.

But Max underestimates Kit’s resolve-and the passionate fire that burns within her-which is every bit a match for his own.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, ménage à trois, m/m sex scenes.

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Life on the Move by Megan Reilly
Genre: Young Adult

ISBN: 1-59998-956-5
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Angela Waters

Home is where the heart is. Until the truth comes knocking.

Casey Smith and her dad move around a lot, so packing boxes, driving all night, and moving into a new apartment in a new town is nothing, well, new to her. While it’s weird that her dad is so restless, she’s never really minded before–after all, there’s nothing she can do about it.

But this time is different. This time they’ve moved to a place where she almost fits in. She’s even made some friends, including Ethan, a gorgeous guy who could turn out to be more than just a friend–if only she could be sure she’ll have time to really get to know him.

Just when her life is starting to have all kinds of possibilities, a knock comes on the door.

And everything Casey has ever known is turned upside down.

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Killing Joe by Marie Treanor
Genre: Paranormal Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-927-1
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Dawn Seewer

How many times can one man die?

To professional assassin Joe, life is cheap, and crash researcher Anna just another hit. Until his own unplanned car crash changes everything.

Dr. Anna Baird, dedicated to the point of obsession, suddenly finds her state-of-the-art crash test dummy haunted by a weird and exciting stranger–who seems doomed to repeatedly experience the fate he’d intended for Anna.

Lost in a reality only he and Anna inhabit, Joe finds himself falling in love with his intended victim, and ultimately fighting to save her life–because whoever hired him still wants her dead.

Warning: This title contains explicit sex, occasional bad language and extreme violence perpetrated against crash test dummies.

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