Samhain’s New Releases 23 Apr

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Publication Date: April 28, 2009

Sale priced at MBaM:

Terms of Surrender Terms of Surrender by Becky Barker
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-501-6
Length: Short Story
Price: 2.50 Get it Now for 2.25
Cover art by Natalie Winters

Only one way to trust her–teach her the true meaning of tamed.

Years ago, Cassie Pallard let her wild and headstrong nature cost her the best thing in her life: Brody Chambers. Older and wiser, she’s back to try to heal the hurt and win her way back into his heart–and his bed.

Not so fast, says Brody. He loved Cassie most of his life, but her temper-driven desertion destroyed his faith in her and their future. If she wants his trust, she’ll have to earn it. Before he opens his heart again, he plans to make it clear his love comes with strings.

And handcuffs. And a blindfold…

Warning: This one’s short and hot with some bdsm, so not for the faint of heart.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Trust the Moon Trust the Moon by Jamie Craig
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-503-0
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

Forever an outsider…until love beckons her home.

In the small shifter community of Delta, Utah, there’s no such thing as a stranger. Everyone knows everyone, so a new face in town doesn’t go unnoticed. When a woman Dylan Peterson doesn’t recognize shows up at his twenty-first birthday bonfire bash, he does what comes naturally as a host–he introduces himself.

The enigmatic Gena Pelletier is the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen, and the most aloof. A scorching encounter with her under the moon blindsides him, leaving him wondering what just happened–and watching her disappear into the night.

Gena wasn’t born wild, but ever since her father’s murder she’s lived outside Delta borders on her own terms. She has no desire to return to civilization, not to its constraints, nor its rules. So what if Dylan is sweet and the sex is amazing? He’s just a way to scratch an itch. Funny thing is, Dylan is an itch a one-time scratch won’t satisfy.

Neither of them knows what to make of the other…and neither can walk away.

Warning: Contains graphic language, as well as hot shifter sex under the moon and in the water, long moonlit runs, and a hero bent on doing everything he can to show the woman he loves what happiness can be.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Circle of Friends: Steve's Story Circle of Friends: Steve’s Story by Jess Dee
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-500-9
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

When love is threatened by truth, every moment counts…

Circle of Friends, Book 2

Steve Sommers is having a gut-wrenching week. His fiancée has left him, the woman who broke his heart is back in town–and they’re all gathered at the bedside of his best friend, who’s in a coma. The emotional ties between them are strained to the breaking point. Like it or not, it’s up to Steve to find the strength and compassion to support the four of them through the toughest ordeal of their lives.

In the midst of the turmoil and trauma, passion unexpectedly flares anew between Steve and the woman he loves. Suddenly the future he’d believed lost lies within his reach. But she still carries the secret that once tore them apart, and determined to protect Steve from the truth, she fights their rekindled relationship every step of the way.

Now the fragile bond they’ve developed hangs in the balance, threatened by a reality that love may not be strong enough to overcome…

Warning: This book might just make you cry, but it’ll make you smile as well. The story will probably get you all hot and bothered too. It contains naughty activities in the car, sex on the kitchen counter (and up against the wall), a quickie in the garden, a little experimenting with scarves–oh, and some hot loving in the bedroom.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

The Ninth Curse The Ninth Curse by K J Gillenwater
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Romantic Suspense
ISBN: 978-1-60504-502-3
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Angie Waters

His blood for a cure. It’s a cruel and deadly bargain…

Nine curses. Nine weeks to live. Joel Hatcher has inherited more than a family legacy. It’s a time bomb that’s ticking down to the inevitable: his own death. But the curse won’t die with him. Unless he can find a way to break the cycle, his younger brother becomes the next victim.

In the throes of the third curse, the Painful Pox, Joel makes a last-ditch decision to seek the help of a young spiritualist.

One look into Joel’s suffering eyes, and “Madame Eugenie” finds herself torn between doing the right thing and fulfilling her most secret wish–bring her husband Adam back from the dead. Joel’s cursed blood is the missing ingredient in her resurrection rituals, and Adam’s spirit whispers seductively that there’s only one way to get it: steal it.

As Gen and Joel unearth his family’s past to track down a cure, they come closer to each other, and to a horrible truth. To live, Joel must lose everything. Up to and including the woman he has grown to love.

Warning: This book contains curses, sacrifices, a ghostly husband, a crazy cat and a love that defies all odds.

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

Tooth and Claw Tooth and Claw by Annmarie McKenna
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-506-1
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Angie Waters

Vampire: (noun) Bloodsucker, murderer, bedpost-notcher, God’s gift to women, fiend.

Seth Gramble is a prince among his people. Half vampire, half jaguar, he is one of a rare few who can shift into an animal form. Both his halves have found their mate in a female detective determined to lump all vampires in with the rogue who killed her former lover. He’s given her six months to see him differently. He’s done waiting.

Paxton Tenor wants nothing to do with a blood-sucking fiend, no matter how much he makes her body sing. Nothing good can come of a vampire. A case she’s working on partners her with Seth, and she’s forced to reconsider her hatred. He doesn’t seem at all like the rogue who sucked the life from her boyfriend in cold blood.

When Seth’s kitty comes out to play, Paxton realizes she’s been stupid to deny herself this man. And when he puts his life on the line to protect hers? All bets are off.

Warning: Let’s be realistic here people; there’s sex. Who doesn’t want to be coerced into bed by a sexy, God’s-gift-to-women vampire? And when they can be undressed and on you before you can blink–hello. Even if said vampire faints at the sight of his own blood…

Read excerpts or buy by clicking on the book covers!

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