The Basics
– Misty Evans
– Brand: Heart-stopping danger…undercover intrigue
– Genre(s): CIA thrillers, paranormal
– Publisher(s): Samhain Publishing
To Other Authors
– What are the three MOST important pieces of advice you would give to a brand new author?
- Write what you love. Be passionate about your characters and their stories so you can convey that to your readers.
- Read all the time. Jump genres, pick up unusual magazines, scan newspapers. You never know where a great plot idea or a cool phrase will pop up and inspire you.
- Find your own voice. There are many supposed rules in writing. By trying to follow all the rules, you’ll lose your voice, which as a writer is your greatest strength! Look at the rules more as guidelines and use them to polish your voice, not smother it.
– What’s your favorite way to advertise?
- Blog interviews and contests!! I’m also looking at teaching online classes to help other writers.
– What hard-knock lesson did the publishing world teach you (can be your own experience or someone else’s that you learned from)?
- There is no logic to what will sell or when. You have to be true to the voice in your head and write what you love.
For the Readers
– What are you reading, if anything, at the moment?
- I’m enjoying the stories by my fellow Tickle My Fantasy authors, as well as City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, What I Did For Love by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, and Three’s the Charm by Ellen Dye.
– Do you prefer ebooks or print for your reading pleasure?
- I carry my Kindle everywhere and it’s always loaded with new authors as well as tried and true. I do read print books as well, especially nonfiction ones when I’m researching my own stories.
– Name three of your all-time-favorite, read-them-over-and-over books.
- Only three? Let’s see… To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Out of Africa by Isac Denison, and SARK’s Succulent Wild Woman.
Idle Curiosity Compels Me to Ask
– What inspired you to be a writer?
- I won second place in a fourth-grade essay contest about my dad. The essay was published in my hometown paper, complete with my “byline”. Since I had two left feet and sucked at playing the piano, I was thrilled. I’d finally found something I was good at. LOL.
– What do you do immediately after finishing a manuscript?
- Throw my hands in the air and cry, “halleluiah”. Not really. When I type The End, it’s usually with a bit of relief and a bit of sadness. I fall in love with my characters during the writing process and hate to see their story come to an end. That’s why I like writing series, and I keep writing short stories about my different characters for promotions. The Samhellion Valentine’s free reads this month by me is a prequel to Witches Anonymous, my TMF story.
– Do you talk to your characters or your muse or both?
- Mostly I just listen. My muse doesn’t talk so much as show up at the door of my brain and dump a boatload of characters and images into it. My characters usually come fully formed and ready to go. They never stop talking long enough for me to talk back. LOL.
Promo Section
~ Most Recent Release ~ |
Witches Anonymous![]() Samhain Publishing A Tickle My Fantasy story. Amy Atwood is a witch. Not the harm-none kind…the Satan-worshipping, devil-made-me-do-it kind. But after catching Lucifer in a particularly wicked hex act with her goodie-two-shoes Wiccan sister, Amy does what every self-respecting witch would do. She pops a Dove chocolate in her mouth, ends her affair with the devil, and swears an oath never to use magic again. She wants to be normal. Human. Even if it means no more fun–and she’s looking for a nice, normal guy to compliment her new lifestyle. And ice-cream-loving firefighter Adam Foster looks like perfect hero material. Lucifer, however, isn’t about to be nice about letting her go. Stalked by Satan, manipulated by the angel Gabriel–and surprised by Adam’s true identity–Amy finds herself up to her black hat in trouble of Biblical proportions… Buy link: |
~ Coming Soon ~ |
I’d Rather Be In Paris![]() Samhain Publishing ISBN: 978-1-60504-471-2 Super Agent Series, Book 2 Elite CIA operative Zara Morgan has a reputation as a loose cannon with a penchant for breaking the rules. Now she’s got a chance to prove she can be a competent field officer, but the test doesn’t end there. She’s been paired with sexy covert ops team leader Lawson Vaughn, a man who lives and breathes protocol. Methodical is Lawson’s middle name. He specializes in high-risk search and rescue, not missions that involve tracking down terrorists. Especially while trying to keep the lid on a partner who has a problem with authority and skates by on wits and bravado. Even before they get on the plane for Paris they’re under each other’s skin…and fighting a scorching sexual attraction. Drawn into an unauthorized game of vengeance, Lawson is forced to dance a tightrope in order to protect his partner from their quarry–a terrorist who’s about to unleash a biological nightmare on the Muslim world. And Zara is the first target. With her life, and that of millions of innocent people, on the line, Lawson must become the one thing he despises. A renegade. Buy link: |
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Thanks so much, Misty!!
Join me next week for an interview with Kim Smith.
Misty, as someone who read Operation Sheba, and fell in love with those characters, I can’t wait to read, I’d Rather be in Paris to see what these 3 dimensional people are up to. What great advice you give, and you’re so prolific to boot. Thanks so much and what a nice interview! I just purchased Witches Anonymous based on the fab excerpt you posted. Talk about hooking your reader!
Witches Anonymous is a must buy.
Sexy, funny, and has the devil running amok making with the temptations and the funny business–honestly, what more do you need? ^_^
BTW, love the cover of “I’d Rather Be In Paris”
Keith Melton
Hey Keith, thanks for taking time to stop by! The Devil’s in the details, right? I do love to use him as a charater. No boundaries with him.
As an author of paranormal (check out Keith’s book, Blood Vice!), you know how alluring it is to delve into the supernatural.
Anne Cain did the cover for Paris and it is gorgeous. Very classy. All my books have great covers and I couldn’t be happier!
Misty – I just love your work. Your characters are fiesty but real and the way you set up a scene draws me in so fast there’s no putting your work down! I can’t wait to see I’d Rather be in Paris … and now that advanced sales of the print version of Operation Sheba are available on, I can make that purchase and make room in by bookcase for my favorite author! Keep on writing!
Hi Donnell! Thank you for reading all my books. My characters are dear to me and I’m glad I can bring them to life for readers. Paris was so fun to write…lots of action and adventure. My favorite! I hope you love it too!
Thank you, Angela! I appreciate the praise and I can’t wait to share Paris with everyone. It’s a fast-paced read, even more so than Operation Sheba.
I’m working on the third book in my Super Agent series and hope to have it out by the end of the year.
Thanks for making room on your shelf for Operation Sheba! I really appreciate your support. Happy reading!
He’s sexy and bad and just the right touch of dangerous. Yum!
And of course I love any witch trying to wean herself off of magic with Dove chocolate.
You’ve done an amazing job. Your covers are fab! I’m really proud of you.
What more could a girl ask for…a desire for the devil and God’s own original Adam???
It’s just a fun, fun read!! Great job, Misty!!
Nana, you naughty woman! Yes, Lucifer is yummy, at least in my stories. LOL.
I find Dove chocolates to be a great substitute for many bad vices. LOL.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a post!
Aw, Tessy, thank you! A few readers have told me Amy should get both Lucifer AND Adam. Hmm…that sounds wicked, don’t you think?
Hey Misty,
I love the story of what inspired you to be a writer. How very cool!
Witches Anonymous is SUCH an incredible story. I hope there’s more to come from your ‘witchy’ self!
Chiron O’Keefe
Chiron, my witchy self is hard to suppress. LOL. I’m working on a sequel to Witches Anonymous, more for Lucifer’s benefit than Amy’s. Okay, it’s really for my benefit. I find Lucifer to be the most intriguing character I’ve ever written…
Hey there, I love Lucifer and I am so happy that there's going to be a sequel. I hope there are more Lucifer x Amy scenes to come. Adam is nice, but he doesn't really stir my interest like Luc does.