Author Interview: Pat McDermott

The Basics
Pat McDermott
Genre(s): Historical Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Romance, Sci-Fi
Publisher(s): Red Rose Publishing

To Other Authors

What are the three MOST important pieces of advice you would give to a brand new author?

  • First and most important, educate yourself. Take classes or workshops, never stop reading, and read a wide variety of books. Don’t be afraid other authors will influence your personal style. No one can do that but you. Whether you read for pleasure or research, you’ll not only learn what makes good writing, you’ll also find new ideas that will lead to dozens of other new ideas. Second, don’t become discouraged by armchair writers and critics. You are the one with the grand vision of the story you’re trying to tell, and that’s too personal to let others talk it down or say no one’s ever done what you’re doing before. Third, if you do become discouraged, don’t stop writing. Persevere in your quest to become a published author.

What’s your favorite way to advertise?

  • Blogs, online interviews, and other internet venues that allow interaction with readers and other authors. I enjoy my Facebook page.

What hard-knock lesson did the publishing world teach you (can be your own experience or someone else’s that you learned from)?

  • Publishing Houses Close Down.

For the Readers

What are you reading, if anything, at the moment?

  • I’m bouncing between research and fun – “Blue Whales” and “Unseen World/Paranormal Research” for research, and an anthology called “The Enchanted Faerie” for fun.

Do you prefer ebooks or print for your reading pleasure?

  • Until I learn more about ebooks, I’d rather read a print book. I love browsing second hand bookstores and libraries when I don’t know what I’m looking for. I don’t have an ebook reader—yet. I’ve been reading some great ebooks on my laptop, not too bad once you get the hang of it.

Name three of your all-time-favorite, read-them-over-and-over books.

  • I seldom read a book again. There are too many too read! But I did read the first three books of Diana Gabaldon’s “Outlander” series twice.

Idle Curiosity Compels Me to Ask

– What inspired you to be a writer?

  • Hearing and reading fairy tales and poetry as a child. Falling under the spell of a story made me want to be a magician who could create similar spells for others. I had some great teachers who taught the nuts and bolts of writing well enough to make it a “can-do” passion for me. A Band of Roses is my first full length novel, though I’ve been writing short stories forever. One of my tales received an honorable mention for children’s fiction. That award gave me the boost I needed to finish A Band of Roses.

– What do you do immediately after finishing a manuscript?

  • Wallow in being brain dead for at least a week! My novels take years to write, and I need to reboot to clear out all the cookies and history.

– Do you talk to your characters or your muse or both?

  • I don’t believe in muses. Sitting around waiting for an idea to pop into my head isn’t my thing. I like being in the driver’s seat. It’s been my experience that when you do the work that writing involves, ideas will flow even if you’re in a lull for a while. My characters and I do have occasional conversations, but I don’t talk to them as much as I daydream about scenes, imagining how the gang would react to various events. Like, what would Talty do if she met President Obama?

Promo Section

~ Most Recent Release ~

When I was a little girl, my aunts entertained me with all sorts of Irish legends and assured me that we were descended from Irish royalty. (Isn’t everyone who’s Irish?) From one of their trips to Ireland, they brought me a copper statue of High King Brian Boru, and I wanted to know more about him than I already did. Everything I read said how sad it was that Brian didn’t survive Clontarf, as Ireland would be a very different place today. So, I started thinking . . . what if he had survived?

Title: A Band of Roses
Genre: Historical Fantasy – Action/Adventure
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-60435-292-4
Release Date: February 2009
Format: Electronic

Irish kings still rule the Emerald Isle—and a princess is in trouble . . .
Ancient Irish traditions remain strong in a world where High King Brian Boru survived the Battle of Clontarf and established a dynasty that rules Ireland to this day. When greed for oil prompts England’s Regent to claim an Irish island in the North Atlantic, Irish Crown Princess Talty becomes a pawn in a murderous plot to seize the throne of England. From Japan to California to an eleventh century Ireland preparing for the Battle of Clontarf, Talty must hide her true identity, though she can’t hide her ingrained training as a member of the Fianna: the warriors who guard the Kingdom of Ireland. She brings home a discovery worth more than any oil well, yet all she wants is to return to her family and Neil Boru, the adoptive cousin she secretly loves and cannot have—or so she thinks. Neil has a secret of his own, one that emerges as the Boru clan works with MI6 to thwart an invasion of Ireland and bring Talty home.

~ Coming Soon ~

Title: Fiery Roses
Genre: Historical Fantasy – Action/Adventure
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
Release Date: TBA
Format: Electronic


In the thrilling sequel to A Band of Roses, the discovery of gas off the coast of Ireland ensnares Irish Crown Princess Talty Boru and her devoted champion, Neil Boru, in a web of blackmail and murder. Intent on convincing County Mayo’s residents to allow a pipeline to cross their pristine boglands, an arsonist is setting homes and land ablaze. One of his fires sends Talty and Neil to an ancient world at the mercy of a waking volcano. While they struggle to outwit a tyrant with a shocking secret, King Brian locks horns with a ruthless tycoon who will stop at nothing to become a high roller in the oil and gas game. The resulting conflict proves fatal for the Boru clan, whose members once again close ranks to thwart the latest threat to the kingdom they are sworn to protect.

Learn More
– Website
– Blog/Newsletter
– Facebook
– Shelfari

Thanks, Pat!

Join me next week for an interview with Melissa Lopez.


  1. I love that there is a sequel! Band of Roses was such a great book that I can’t get enough of these characters!

    Do you have any advice for budding authors who are trying to write multiple books? Thanks!

  2. Hi Kate! Thanks so much for popping in. The best advice I can give any aspiring author is to hook up with a writers’ group or a writing workshop to find critique partners who’ll encourage you and help polish your work. Good critique partners are one-in-a-million!

  3. re: “…what would you do if you met President Obama?” I’d probably say something like: I heard you’re a foodie. Have you been over to Founding Farmers in the IMF building? They’ve got great Shrimp and Grits. Oooh and the burgers over at Good Stuff Eatery are great. Check them out… =giggle= (then I’d run…but slow enough not to get kneecapped by Secret Service)

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