Author Interview: Raven Starr

The Basics

Raven Starr
Genre(s): Interracial Romance/Paranormal Romance
Publisher(s): Red Rose Publishing

**Special Announcement** Today (19 March) is Raven’s birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

To Other Authors

What are the three MOST important pieces of advice you would give to a brand new author?

  • Read, Write and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

What’s your favorite way to advertise?

  • I love my myspace and my website.

What hard-knock lesson did the publishing world teach you (can be your own experience or someone else’s that you learned from)?

  • I learned that every time you want to submit to any publishing company make sure you do the research first.

For the Readers

What are you reading, if anything, at the moment?

  • It Wakes Within Me by Kathleen O’Neil Gear

Do you prefer ebooks or print for your reading pleasure?

  • It doesn’t matter. I love to read.

Name three of your all-time-favorite, read-them-over-and-over books.

  • Swan Song, The Color Purple and People of the Wolf

Idle Curiosity Compels Me to Ask

– What inspired you to be a writer?

  • When I started to write I didn’t look at it as writing per se I saw it as a way to express all the raw emotion I couldn’t express in reality. It never donned on me that I could make a living at it, I just love the release that comes from writing and the way I get swept up in the world I’ve created. After my mother passed, she had encouraged me to follow my dreams, to never back down no matter how hard I’d been down; she wanted something better for me. So, my mother’s strength and love truly inspired me and for that I thank her.

– What do you do immediately after finishing a manuscript?

  • Well, right after I finish, I usually light a few candles, re-read the last chapter and call either my best friend or my daughter to celebrate with me.

– Do you talk to your characters or your muse or both?

  • I do talk to my characters and sometimes get yelled at by them as well. LOL

Promo Section

~ Most Recent Releases ~

One Night at the Office
Erotic Romance: Urban Fantasy, Interracial/Multicultural
ISBN: 978-1-60435-166-8
Cover Artist: Merris Hawk
Editor: Savannah Frierson
Word Count: 8,010
Release Date: July 03, 2008

Mika Light Feather always felt as if there were something missing in her life. She traveled nomadically, bouncing from job to job in hopes of the next exciting new thing.

One ordinary day while sitting in a meeting, she unknowing volunteered for the experience of her life.

Working the night shift will never be the same again. Find out what exciting ideas her boss, Caleb King, has in store for her. One night could change her whole life. One night is all it takes to find love, lust, and destiny.


Desert Rose Anthology
Raven Starr

Mainstream Romance: Historical/Period, Desert Rose, Interracial/Multicultural
ISBN: 978-1-60435-270-270-2
Cover Artist: Ash Arceneaux
Editor: Savannah J. Frierson
Word Count: 33,320
Release Date: January 01, 2009

Stolen, Kidnapped and Enslaved, what kind of life is this?

Born under suspicion Femi’s life drastically changes one night while gathering water for her father. Dragged from her home, thrown into slavery Femi must keep her wits as well as her fiery spirit if she wants to survive the wrath of Nicos the harem master.

But King Hansani has eyes for Femi. When a secret falls into his lap he will do anything to keep Femi safe.

But will he be able to keep her safe or will she be running for her life?

Learn More

– Website –
– MySpace –
– Yahoo Group – Starr Struck News

Thanks, Raven!!

Join me next week for an interview with Mark Terence Chapman.


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