Author Interview: Shiela Stewart

The Basics
Shiela Stewart
– Genre(s) – Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
– Publisher(s) – Linden Bay Romance

To Other Authors
What are the three MOST important pieces of advice you would give to a brand new author?

  • Write from your heart. Don’t let others tell you what to write.
  • Keep active in promoting yourself and your books.
  • Have fun writing. If you don’t enjoy it, neither will your readers.

What’s your favorite way to advertise?

  • I find having my books covers or banners on other popular websites of a great benefit to me. There are some really great advertising websites that offer low cost spots to have your book cover placed on their website. Another good way to advertise is having your website banner on your emails. Every time you send out an email, people see your sig line and web address. Blogging on your own personal blog or making appearances on others blogs is another good idea.

For the Readers
What are you reading, if anything, at the moment?

  • Right now I’m reading two books. Nora Roberts third installment in the Sign of Seven books, The Pagan Stone. I’m also reading Elizabeth I by David Loades and loving it. I’ve always been fascinated by the Tudor Dynasty.

Do you prefer ebooks or print for your reading pleasure?

  • As much as I’m all for the new technology, ebooks being so prominent now, I must say I prefer to relax in my comfy chair with a book in my hands.

Name three of your all-time-favorite, read-them-over-and-over books.

  • Everything by Nora Roberts. I have every one of her books as well as her pseudonym JD Robb and I’ve read her books over and over again.
  • Shell Lake Massacre (Non-fiction story about a local town involving a schizophrenic man entering a home in Shell Lake Saskatchewan, Canada in the middle of the night and killing the entire family minus a one year old infant)
  • Fatal Vision by Joe McGinnis (Non-fiction tale of Dr. Jeffrey McDonald’s involvement in the murders of his wife and two daughters)

Idle Curiosity Compels Me to Ask
– What inspired you to be a writer?

  • I was born. 🙂 I’ve always been a story teller. Even in my youth I would tell tales to my cousins and friends then as I grew, I began writing them down. It’s as much a part of me as breathing. But the first time I picked up a Nora Roberts novel I knew that was what I was meant to do.

– What do you do immediately after finishing a manuscript?

  • Jump for joy. LOL Then go back and edit. 🙂

– Do you talk to your characters or your muse or both?

  • I used to do that but the threat of being locked in a white padded room became too scary for me. LOL

Promo Section

~ Most Recent Release ~
Charming the Darkness is the forth book in my Darkness series. It’s got a healthy dose of humor along with a mystery and plenty of love. It’s a tale of an outcast torn between the human world he once belonged to and being a vampire. I loved writing this story for several reasons. I love infusing my sense of humor in my books. And writing about Danny, a determined to be bad wanna be who befriends a stray kitten was so much fun. I’ve also been very interested in Wicca and witchcraft so writing Starla’s place in the book gave me a chance to research all the aspects of witchcraft.

Charming the Darkness

Darkness Series: Book 4
Publisher: Linden Bay Romance


Unlike his twin brother Dante, Daniel Vega had never been comfortable as a human. When he was offered eternal life as a vampire, he turned his back on his family and welcomed the darkness. All was well until Chaos, the one man Danny thought he could always count on, goes missing. Now, shunned by his own kind, it seems that leaving Jacob’s Cove is his only option. Until he crashes into a high-spirited redhead…

Born from witches, Starla Raine has spent her entire life learning to control and manage her powers. Then she discovers and is drawn to Jacob’s Cove, a city magically cloaked in darkness. When Starla runs into Daniel Vega, a man connected to the infamous spell, she knows just what to do. Hold him hostage and, using any means possible, convince him to give her what she wants.

Soon, the two forge an unlikely partnership and a bargain is struck. Danny agrees to help Starla find the ritual, but only if she’ll work with him to locate Chaos. At first he doesn’t mind using her magical abilities, or her body, for his own gain. Sex is just sex, after all… until someone’s heart gets in the way.

~ Coming Soon ~

The next book in the Darkness series, Tempting the Darkness is due for release in March of 2009 and is the 5th book in the Darkness series.

This is a tale of a middle aged man who has devoted his life to serving a man he thinks of as his son but when love enters his life, he’s determined to protect her from his kind at any cost.

Tempting the Darkness
Darkness Series: Book 5
Publisher: Linden Bay Romance


Keeping secrets is never easy, but for the past twenty years, Cooper Hawthorn has managed to hide his perfectly well. Until love entices him to reveal it all.

Despite the darkness still encasing the city, love is in the air and one by one, Cooper watches his friends fall head over heels. Longing for what he once had, he makes a critical decision. Waking his wife from her comatose sleep…and turning her into a vampire.

Waking after years of sleep, Gabriella Hawthorn is relieved to see her beloved Cooper. But when he informs her that her cancer has not been cured, she fears he’s woken her to say goodbye. Until he betrays his most sacred promise, and makes her one of his kind.

For so long he’d kept his wife and his life with her a secret. Cooper realizes what he is risking by waking her and turning her into a vampire. What he doesn’t expect is for everyone he loves to turn their backs on him. Including his wife. Devastated, Cooper is tempted to use his powers of mind control, a gift bestowed to him from being created by the king—another secret he has kept.

Will he be able to see the light, or will the darkness capture his soul?

Learn More
– Website –
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– Newsletter –’sNewsletterPage.htm
– Free Advertising for Authors – Book Cover Lovers –

Thanks so much for the fun interview, Shiela!!

Join me next week for Meg Benjamin.


  1. Thanks for coming by, Sandie.

    I completely believe that if the writer doesn’t enjoy the book it will show it and the reader will pick up on it. When you’re passionate about something, it shows in your work but if it’s like pulling teeth, everyone will suffer.

  2. Hi James,

    If your book is in print, you could arrange for a book signing at one of your local book stores. Look for Fantasy magazines that are similar to your book and find out if you could have your book advertised inside.
    Offer your book for prizes in contests. I’ve given my books to fundraisers and christmas parties as giveaways.

    These are just some things you can do to promote your book.

    Thanks for stopping by, James!

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