Author Inteview: Shelley Munro

The Basics
Shelley Munro
Brand: Adventure into Romance
Genre(s): Paranormal, Contemporary, Historical and M/M
Publisher(s): Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing

To Other Authors
What are the three MOST important pieces of advice you would give to a brand new author?

  • 1. Read lots of books in different genres.
  • 2. Write every day.
  • 3. Never give up.

What’s your favorite way to advertise?

  • I enjoy guest blogging about some aspect of my recent release or writing and interacting with readers this way.

What hard-knock lesson did the publishing world teach you (can be your own experience or someone else’s that you learned from)?

  • Some people (readers, editors, agents, critique partners) won’t like my writing style or subject matter but that doesn’t mean I’m a failure. Giving up on my dream of writing is the only possible failure.

For the Readers
What are you reading, if anything, at the moment?

  • I’m constantly reading. I love reading and I’m a big believer in keeping up with market trends. I think I learn a lot by reading other authors’ books. At the moment I’m going through a bit of a contemporary binge. I’ve read Erin McCarthy, Kristen Higgins, Susan Mallery and Robyn Carr recently.

Do you prefer ebooks or print for your reading pleasure?

  • I read both ebooks and print and usually have one of each on the go at once.

Name three of your all-time-favorite, read-them-over-and-over books.

  • I do have books I keep but I don’t tend to reread books. I’m more likely to reach for a new book than reread a book.

Idle Curiosity Compels Me to Ask

– What inspired you to be a writer?

  • My love of reading led me to become a writer. I decided I wanted to see my name on a book.

– What do you do immediately after finishing a manuscript?

  • I try to let a manuscript rest once I’ve finished on it and I usually start something new straight away. I’m pretty driven when it comes to writing and love to create new characters and worlds.

– Do you talk to your characters or your muse or both?

  • There’s constant noise inside my head from characters, all pushing for release. They want to be in the next story.

Promo Section

~ Most Recent Release ~

My most recent release is called Cat Burglar. It’s a feline shapeshifter story set in New Zealand and is book six in my Middlemarch Mates series.

Cat Burglar
Ellora’s Cave
ISBN: 9781419918308
Release date: 31 Dec 2008

Laura Adams is a cop with ambition, and a job in Middlemarch isn’t what she wants for her future. Hooking up with the wrong man is responsible for the wrong turning, and she refuses to repeat the mistake, especially with a sexy thief.

Leopard shifter Jonno Campbell takes one look at Laura and desires her as his mate. He’s enthralled with the fiery cop, and when she arrests him, he’s ready for a strip search. Convincing Laura he’s innocent and that they should work together to capture the thieves stealing from Middlemarch residents isn’t easy. A kiss laced with his easy charm does the trick and sparks fly. Passion escalates into primitive hunger. A night of hot loving convinces Jonno. He wants forever with the gorgeous Laura, but her ambition, his feline heritage and a gang of thieves stand in the way of his progress. Then there’s the ex-boyfriend who wants Laura back. This time charisma and erotic promises mightn’t be enough to win the lady.

Learn More
– Website
– MySpace
– Blog/Newsletter
– Yahoo Group N/A

Thanks Shelley!!

Join me next week for an interview with Kaitlain Maitland!


  1. ‘Some people (readers, editors, agents, critique partners) won’t like my writing style or subject matter but that doesn’t mean I’m a failure.’

    What an important thing to keep close to every artist’s heart. No one can be everything to everyone. But when you have fans who love your stuff, life is sweet!

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