Goodreads Group for D. Renee Bagby & Zenobia Renquist
Come join the new Goodreads group Q&A with D. Renee Bagby & Zenobia Renquist. Interaction and fun without dodging around FB’s algorithm.
Come join the new Goodreads group Q&A with D. Renee Bagby & Zenobia Renquist. Interaction and fun without dodging around FB’s algorithm.
I’m changing the current blogging schedule — dropping the photo Sundays (given the current climate about that even though I was getting them for a legit site) and shuffling stuff around. Fridays are now my accountability days. I shall give writing updates. 😀 It seems I haven’t written a Writing …
I am in Honolulu, Hawaii! My two flights (Baltimore -> Dallas-Ft. Worth; DFW -> Honolulu) were great. Very smooth. Sporadic turbulence that was mild. I slept most of the way here. I’m looking forward to getting some rest. Closing out the house and getting everything ready to move out to …
Well, I’ve been lazy the last few days with posting. What can I say? I got de-motivated, but at least I’m writing… except it’s on a book I’m not supposed to be working on just yet. *droop* Update #1ERIS is now available for the Nook at B&N Update #2RITE MEN …