Goals: Eris Update #3

It’s a little disappointing to report that I didn’t make last week’s goal. I had some real life stuff going on but the real reason is because I got stumped.

My plot for Eris started to resemble a plot for one of my other books that I have planned and I didn’t like that. My other story is fun and great and I can’t wait to get to it, but I didn’t want two stories being similar to each other. So, I got stumped and stopped writing.

Then, Saturday morning at work (great place for brainstorming), I came up with a revamp of my other story that allowed me to keep Eris going on its current path. Life is a little bit happier (minus missing my goal) and my other story has a stronger plot (I think).

But anywho. On to the stats:

12 Nov 2007

Last Week’s Goal: 33,000 – 38,000

Current Word Count: 29,600

Next Week’s Goal: 43,600 – 48,600

Next Update: 19 Nov 2007

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