As was noted in my last post about this problem, I sent an email to NCP letting them know I was prepared to sue to get my money back if they didn’t feel the need to give it back to me of their own volition.
That email was sent 29 May 2008 at 7:04AM. At 7:09PM, I received a reply.
First off, the speedy reply let me know they received my other emails and simply ignored them this whole time. Second, it’s a crying shame that I have to threaten (with the full intention of following through) legal action in order to get some sort of response.
The response mailed from customer service:
“We are waiting of a copy of Feline Heat to come in and then are shipping it out to you.”
Please note that in my email to them earlier that morning, I clearly stated I wanted my money back. I reminded them of that fact when I replied to the above message the next morning (30 may 2008) around 1AM. I told them I wanted my money refunded to my Paypal account. Please make note that I did in fact tell them quite plainly that I wanted my money refunded to my PayPal account as that becomes important later.
No reply.
I email them again 02 June 2008 at 7:44pm with “Stop Ignoring Me” in the subject line. In said email, I let them know I will use my receipt of the transaction (both theirs and PayPal’s) as well as the postage stamped to the package as evidence against them in my court case if they send me that book because I seriously don’t want it and I would never read it since seeing it would piss me off. I also put in very big, red lettering (the biggest email will allow) that I want my money back.
04 June 2008, I get a reply from the Orders department (different email address so it ended up in Spam for a little bit). “Please either call or email with your credit card details. We will need your number, the exp date, and the full name on the card in order to issue a refund for $16.74. Our number is [blah blah blah].”
Credit card?! I told them I had paid with my PayPal account. I forwarded the PayPal transaction information (copy-and-pasted from the ACTUAL PayPal site) along with my email when I threatened them with legal action the very first time.
I emailed them back 05 June 2008 stating I’d paid with PayPal under the email I was using to correspond with them. 06 June 2008 I get this:
“I will need your paypal address so that the owner can issue a refund.”
Hello! Earth to McFly! Did I not just send an email stating my PayPal account was the email I was using to bug the crap out of them over the last few months? Not to mention, they had a copy of the ACTUAL PayPal transaction (how many times do I need to state that?). But, I replied back 10 June 2008 at 12:37AM and typed the email plainly in the body of the letter.
I was delayed emailing them back because I was at the Lori Foster Reader-Author Get Together and my online time was severely limited due to events and not being in front of my computer. Checking my email and catching up was my first priority when I got home ass-early in the AM even though I was dead tired and just wanted to sleep (6hrs on the road will do that to you).
10 June 2008 at 3:35PM, my refund of $16.74 from Andrea DePasture of New Concepts Publishing (owner?) cleared my account. I promptly turned around and spent it — I contributed to the Author Island Kindle giveaway (you’ll learn about that if you read my Lori Foster Get-Together post… whenever I get around to writing it).
I’m happy to have my money back. And, after this post (and a few emails), I’ll be happy never to mention or have anything else to do with NCP ever again. I also better not catch any crap from this post and it’s predecessor since all information contained within is the truth. If they don’t like it then maybe they should treat their customers better.