Samhain’s New Releases 10 Jun

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Publication Date: June 10, 2008
Available at MBaM:
Seductive Secrets by Lynne Connolly
Genre: Historical Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-042-4
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Anne Cain

To survive, she’ll have to trust him with all her secrets.

The Secrets Trilogy book 1

Nick is back.

After eight years of facing public scandal and private humiliation with her head held high, Isobel’s courage fails when the man she never stopped loving returns and asks her to marry him. Once he discovers her secret, he won’t visit her bed more than once. And she can’t bear his rejection.

Nicholas, Marquis of Cardington, is confident he can cope with the baggage Isobel carries from her first marriage. It doesn’t matter that the beautiful widow once left him to elope with another man. After all, he was partly to blame for that disaster. All that matters is he has always loved her, and now she’s free to accept his proposal.

Only on their wedding night does Nick learn the terrible secret Isobel has harbored for eight long years. To win his wife’s trust will take every ounce of tenderness he possesses–when what he really wants is to show her the passion he saved for her and her alone.

But just as Isobel begins to believe her heart is safe with Nick, the blackmailers who drove her first husband to suicide reappear. And they want their pound of flesh.

Isobel must finally trust Nick will all her secrets–and her life–or their enemies will destroy them both.

Warning: Keep a man handy for judicious use during the graphic sensual sex scenes. A fire extinguisher might be useful, too.

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Color My Heart by Red Garnier
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-041-7
Length: Short Story
Price: 2.50 Get it Now for 2.25
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

Sometimes love won’t come. Other times it just won’t go.

A Red Hot Summer story.

Hannah Myers has had disastrous relationships in the past, but catching her now-ex-boyfriend cheating on her was the worst. As she picks up the pieces of her shattered heart, the last thing she expects to find in the hall outside her apartment is a young god asking if he can help. Yeah, he can help! He can take her clothes off, for starters…

Billy Hendricks has dated in the past, but he’s never met anyone like Hannah. Their sudden affair is supposed to be just a casual summer fling. But to Billy it is anything but casual. He’s seen the passion in her artwork, and he wants more from her than sex.

Hannah tells herself she will not fall in love with Billy. A smart girl needs to safeguard her heart. But how can a smart girl get hunky, wonderful Billy out of her system? Why, with another man!

With Hannah flinging her summer love right and left, things are bound to get colorful.

Warning: This book contains creative sex and a sinfully hot ménage a trois. It may cause heart palpitations, S.O.S. calls to your better half, and all kinds of 911 emergencies. Keeping the A/C on at all times is highly recommended while reading!

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Between Good and Aeval by Dayna Hart
Genre: Fantasy Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-040-0
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Anne Cain

A cult of sex faeries start taking men hostage…including Claire’s boyfriend.

Book Two of the Curtain Torn Series

When Myrna Terrence’s husband is abducted from her dream by fairies, she asks Claire for help. Claire investigates and discovers other married men of Four Corners have been kidnapped. Men who share enough similarities to suggest the kidnappings may be related.

She learns the abductions are the work of The Aeval, a cult of sex faeries whose mission is to ensure women are pleasured by their husbands. Dell decides he and Claire should go under cover–under the covers. By pretending to be a married couple who are having trouble in bed, they hope to lure The Aeval to them.

The plan works almost too well. They don’t have to fake the chemistry between them, nor the resulting frustration when they stop themselves from going too far. The Aeval take the bait, and Claire must confront a goddess, the truth, and her fears about Dell in an effort to save his life.

But if she succeeds, those same truths may be what sends him out of her life forever.

Warning: this title contains the following: hot nekkid men with wings, regular nudity, and prolonged sexual tension followed–finally–by explicit sex. And the faeries who punish husbands for not “pleasing” their wives are entirely fictional (sorry!).

Read An Excerpt and Order Online Here

Dark Chance by Melissa Lopez
Genre: Red Hots!, Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 1-59998-603-5
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Anne Cain

Do you believe in chance?

Absolution Book One. A book of Netherworld.

Olivia Sutcliff is a lost soul who has endured the tortures of Netherworld for more than a hundred years, but now she’s given one chance to get out–on a task set by the Dark Prince himself. She must use her sexual wiles to help damn an innocent man, and failure means a fate worse than hell.

FBI special agent Malin Cross has devoted every waking moment to catching the killer who haunts his nightmares. Until he meets the woman of his dreams. She’s a perfect submissive, one who anticipates his every fantasy. But she also asks too many questions, leaving Malin to wonder if she’s as innocent as she seems…or if she’s bait to lure him into the killer’s web.

As Olivia entices Malin deeper into a world that wants him destroyed, her second thoughts grow into a desire to save him from making a damning mistake.

But as the forces of light and dark collide, their lives–and their souls–hang on the one sacrifice that could destroy them both.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, and graphic violence. Netherworld is a dark, foreboding place.

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The Ballad of Jimothy Redwing by Maia Strong
Genre: Gay-Lesbian Romance, Fantasy Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-036-3
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Anne Cain

New lover. New city. New dangers.

Wand’ring Minstrel Jimothy Redwing is used to life on the road, living by the words and music that are his stock in trade. While he’s comfortable finding his way alone, he’s always amenable to a friendly stranger who knows the lay of the land. Ricky Lennox is smart, funny, handsome, and very amenable.

With a place to stay, a sexy new lover, and some local contacts, Jimothy looks forward to delivering the letters in his care–including a message for the local ruler–and earning a little money with his music before moving on.

Ricky’s declaration he’s interested in more than just a one-night tryst starts Jimothy thinking about settling into a life of perfect harmony. But things hit a sour note when he learns his lover’s true identity–and exactly what’s in the epistle to Kanbec’s ruler.

Jimothy’s journey turns out to be far more complicated than he could have dreamed, and as dangerous as any epic ballad. For himself–and for Ricky.

Warning: This book contains a sexy musician, hot nekkid manlove, violence, and nuns dressed in blue.

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Memories of Us by Linda Winfree
Genre: Romantic Suspense
ISBN: 978-1-60504-043-1
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Anne Cain

Beneath the lies is truth–and temptation that neither of them can resist.

Book Five of the Hearts of the South series.

Investigator Celia St. John is hopelessly attracted to the one man she shouldn’t want, district attorney Tom McMillian. Arrogant and completely alpha, McMillian is the type of man she likes–a tough son of a b****. The problem? He’s her boss, and he’s still hung up on his ex-wife.

Since his marriage to a law enforcement agent failed after the death of his infant son, Tom has avoided emotional involvement with any woman. Despite his attraction to Celia, he refuses to get involved with another cop.

Their no-strings affair quickly becomes a tangled web of intrigue as they investigate an illegal baby adoption ring and more than one murder, one of which points to Tom as a suspect. The more they dig under the lies, the higher the risk, not only to their relationship, but their lives.

Warning: this title contains the following: explicit sex, language, violence.

Read An Excerpt and Order Online Here

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