Samhain’s New Releases 03 Jun

What’s New in eBook & Coming Soon from Samhain!
Variety to suit every reader’s taste!
Publication Date: June 03 , 2008
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Reckless Reckless by Maya Banks
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-034-9
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

He can run, but he can’t hide

A Red Hot Summer story and a stand-alone sequel to Brazen.

Sheriff J.T. Summers promised to keep an eye on his best friend’s little sister. What could possibly go wrong? A lot. “Little” Nikki Durant isn’t so little anymore. She’s sex on a stick, and she’s pointed right at him.

Nikki has always loved J.T., and she’s through waiting for him to come around. The soaring summer temperature is nothing compared to the heat generated when she sets fire to his senses. With a take-no-prisoners attitude, she’s out to get her man. But no matter how many ways she offers it, J.T.’s not buying.

What’s it going to take to get him to realize her love for him isn’t a passing fling? Get herself arrested? Hmm…

Warning: This title contains one very frustrated hunky sheriff, one very determined heroine, sex by the pool, sex in the office, and yes, they do make it to the bed. Eventually.

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Sins of the Heart Sins of the Heart by Delle Jacobs
Genre: Historical Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-035-6
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Dawn Seewer

One lord. One lady. One scandalous mistake. Can it all add up to love?

The icy Lord Edenstorm is the very man Lady Juliette hoped never to see again, for only he knows her true identity. One word from him to her brother and she will be locked away, hidden forever in an asylum. All for one foolish, scandalous mistake.

Still stinging from her deceitful betrayal years before and wounded by the horrors of war, Edenstorm offers to keep her secret, if she helps him catch the traitors who smuggle English gold to Napoleon.

Juliette is incensed. Her Cornish friends may be smugglers, but never traitors, and his snooping and accusations could destroy them. Furious at his blackmail, Juliette vows to risk her own life and freedom to protect the friends she trusts by leading his search astray.

But Edenstorm is not the unfeeling man she thought she knew. Nor is Juliette the faithless woman he believed her to be. As passion flares, deceit gives way to truth, and truth unleashes dangers they never suspected.

Only by turning truth into trust–and trust into love–can they hope to survive.

Warning, this title contains scandalously unmentionable conduct, including unseemly romantic encounters on which doors ought to be closed, as well as shockingly lawless adventure, risks, perils and unruly emotions in which proper ladies and gentlemen ought not to engage, as well as extremely colorful language unsuitable for those of tender years and ears, along with occasional sights and smells which could be deemed offensive to the human senses.

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Satin Lies Satin Lies by Tricia Jones
Genre: Contemporary Romance

ISBN: 978-1-60504-044-8
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Dawn Seewer

Her lies may be satin, but his revenge is pure steel.

Eight years ago, Faye Benedict discovered she was pregnant with Enrico Lavini’s baby. Knowing Enrico didn’t love her, she turned to his brother for a marriage of convenience. Now an accident has taken her husband and stolen her memory. Slowly, as her memory returns, she is forced to confront the past and the deception that helped tear a family apart.

As head of an Italian banking dynasty, Enrico considers it his duty and responsibility to protect his estranged brother’s widow and child. The feelings he once had for Faye are safely buried beneath the weight of the past. But as long-hidden secrets are exposed, his role as protector transmutes into that of avenger, and Faye is forced to suffer the consequences as he exacts his own particular brand of revenge–marriage.

Yet underneath the hurt lies a soul-deep love that will not be denied. Love that only the truth can heal.

Warning: Some explicit sex

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Between a Ridge and a Hard Place Between a Ridge and a Hard Place by Annmarie Mckenna
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-032-5
Length: Short Story
Price: 2.50 Get it Now for 2.25
Cover art by Angela Waters

Is it love? Or sabotage?

After a year of being ignored as a woman by her boss, Morgan steps up her game–and strips down. What better way than a miniskirt to capture her hardheaded boss’s attention? The butt floss she can do without, but hey, if the ploy works…and it does, with spectacular results. Now if only she can keep him interested permanently.

Ridge can’t believe it when the woman he’s quietly lusted after for a year shows up dressed…or rather, undressed…to drop any man to his knees. Instead of worrying about winning a bid after losing the last two under strange circumstances, he whisks her to his place to demolish any notion she might have of changing her mind.

Then it becomes clear why his company is losing bids–there’s a mole planted in their midst. Ridge suddenly has to question Morgan’s sudden transformation from faithful P.A. to office vixen.

Is she the woman he’s been waiting for? Or a corporate saboteur sent to take him down?

Warning: Contains several graphic love scenes. You know, on the bed, on the couch…whichever is closest at the time.

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Mercer's Bayou Mercer’s Bayou by Patricia Snodgrass
Genre: Horror, Paranormal
ISBN: 1-59998-935-2
Length: Plus Novel
Price: 6.50 Get it Now for 5.85
Cover art by Natalie Winters

Some wounds never heal. Some come back–to kill you.

Scarred in body and spirit, Reverend James Kilpatrick Thomas has accepted a job as pastor of a small community church in Mercer’s Bayou, Arkansas. In this peaceful small town, he prays for spiritual renewal–not just for his congregation, but for his own shredded soul.

Megan and Brody Wallace also seek personal renewal when they leave their hectic lives in Austin, Texas to live a slower paced life on the bayou. After several painful, failed pregnancies, they hope that they’ll find life here a soothing balm.

But an ancient evil grows just outside the church cemetery. And after more than a century of sleep, it’s ready for a deadly revival of its own.

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