Samhain’s New Releases 06 Jun

New eBooks Available at Samhain!

Publication Date: June 6th, 2008
Available Now:

Parallel Fire Parallel Fire by Deidre Knight
Genre: Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-039-4
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Natalie Winters
In their fight for survival, the layers come off–body and soul.
A Midnight Warriors story.

Anna Draekus is a soldier wrapped up in secrets, one of which has just been blown. As a member of the shadowy Madjin Circle, she was marked and trained from childhood to protect the king, even without his knowing. And now that her superior officer Nevin Daniels has discovered her allegiance to the Madjin, another secret is in serious danger of exposure.

The one where she fantasizes about cracking the taciturn Refarian’s composure and making him scream her name in passion.

Nevin has tried everything to exorcise Anna from his mind and body, once and for all. Nothing works. He’s long lusted after the free-spirited and plainspoken soldier, but her mere presence ties him in knots and drives him to the brink of insanity. Something a man in his position can’t afford. Something a man of his maturity could never hope for.

Then a routine patrol finds them wrecked and marooned deep in the Wyoming backcountry. And Anna unwraps Nevin’s deepest secret of all: Beneath his tightly controlled exterior beats the wild heart of a tiger.

This book has been previously published.

Warning: This title contains explicit, rutting-like-a-stallion sex and graphic language.
Read An Excerpt and Order Online Here

Earthchild Earthchild by Katriena Knights
Genre: Romantic SciFi-Futuristic
ISBN: 978-1-60504-037-0
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Dawn Seewer

Could he give up the stars…for her?

Taken in as an infant and raised by the primitive, non-human natives of the colony planet Denahault, Noisy Girl has always known she was different. Human settlers initiating peaceful contact confirm it–her true home is a planet called Earth, millions of miles away among the stars.

Her search for her heritage leads her to the home of Harrison Fairfax and Trieka Cavendish, and their guest Jeff Anderson, Trieka’s former second-in-command.

For Jeff, Trieka’s offer to captain the legendary ship Starchild is a lifelong dream fulfilled. Then he meets Noisy Girl, an entrancing young woman who speaks only in sign language. She captures his imagination like no other woman ever has, and his efforts to teach her English deepens a relationship he never thought was possible for him.

But the claustrophobic, technology-laden atmosphere of Earth traumatizes the gentle Noisy Girl, and suddenly Jeff’s choices aren’t quite so clear.

If he accepts permanent command of Starchild, all hope of happiness with this beguiling woman will be destroyed. Unless a compromise can be found…

Warning, this title contains the following: Sensual content, environmental pollution, emotional mothers and extensive use of alien sign language.

Read An Excerpt and Order Online Here

Dead Man's Rain Dead Man’s Rain by Frank Tuttle
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy-SciFi
ISBN: 978-1-60504-033-2
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Anne Cain

Can a haunted man help the dead find peace?

Markhat is a Finder, charged with the post-war task of tracking down sons and fathers gone suddenly missing when an outbreak of peace left the army abandoned where they stood. But now it’s ten years on after the war, and about all he’s finding is trouble.

This time, trouble comes in the form of a rich widow with a problem. Her dearly departed husband, Ebed Merlat, keeps ambling back from the grave for nocturnal visits. Markhat saw a lot during the war, but he’s never seen anyone, rich or poor, rise from the grave and go tromping around the landscape. But for the right price, he’s willing to look into it.

As a storm gathers and night falls, Markhat finds darker things than even murder lurk amid the shadows of House Merlat.

This book has been previously published.

Warning, this title is rife with the walking dead, sarcastic butlers, barking dogs and ghostly dances.

Read An Excerpt and Order Online Here

Icy Heat

Icy Heat by Leigh Wyndfield
Genre: Romantic SciFi-Futuristic, Red Hots!
ISBN: 978-1-60504-038-7
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

A masked man with a burning secret is her only hope.

A Heat series story.
Aidan has only days to acquire a magic Globe to exchange for her brother’s freedom. With the clock counting down, she turns to Warwick the Enforcer for help. As her lies pile up and the passion between them builds, Aidan tries to keep her mind on her mission and ignore the man who lights her fire.

Warwick has spent his life preparing for revenge against the man who killed his parents and sentenced him to an existence behind a mask. But when Aidan calls in a debt he owes her, he cannot say no. The attraction he thought was one-sided explodes between them and he is shocked to find himself burning to possess her. One thing after another goes wrong–and Warwick discovers Aidan is working for his hated enemy.

As things spiral into danger they could never have imagined, passion burns into a love that could destroy them both.

This book has been previously published and has been revised and expanded from its original release.

Warning: This book contains out-of-this-world sexual content!

Read An Excerpt and Order Online Here

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