Samhain’s New Releases 04 Apr

Friday eBooks are Available on Sale

Publication Date: April 4, 2008
Available Now:

Crazy for Kate by Kelly McDonough
Genre: Contemporary Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-602-7
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

Will Kate still want Chris when she finds out his secret?

Chris is the man of every woman’s dreams. Not only is he a hot-looking construction worker who looks good in ripped jeans and a white T-shirt, he’s also got a big heart he’d like to share with a wife and kids. But because of a childhood illness, he can never have the family he hoped for.

Fate has its way with Chris and he winds up working at a church picnic with Kate McKaye, an old classmate. She’s more beautiful than he remembered, and is divorced with two young daughters. For the first time in years, Chris asks a woman on a date.

Chris falls deeply in love with sexy, sweet Kate. His only fear is how she’ll react when she finds out she can’t have all the babies she’s told him she wants. Will she be like his ex-fiancé, whose maternal instincts lead her straight into the arms of another man? Or, can she be happy with him and her two daughters?

This novel has been previously published, but has been revised and expanded for Samhain Publishing.

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She Blinded Me with Science…Fiction by Kally Jo Surbeck
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy

ISBN: 1-59998-908-5
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

Klingons need love too.

Vegas Ventures Book 1

bortaS nlvqu’ ‘oH bortaS’e’!

Bianca Kirkland comes to Las Vegas for a little R&R of the seriously sexy sort. But you know what they say about best-laid plans…

Spurred on by her best pal Gertie, she puts her move on the sculpted hunk o’ stud at the end of the bar. Little does she know, they’ve met before.

Chief of Security Colby James remembers all too well the bombshell who’s hitting on him. The way she dissed his younger, less-studly self left him seriously Bianca-burned. Now, he’s determined to get even.

Fiasco after fiasco plagues Bianca’s perfect vacation. First Gertie gets food poisoning. Then Bianca is forced to become a Klingon–and officiate (naked) at a Betazoid wedding. Just when it can’t get any worse, she’s named Commander of her very own Starfleet vessel.

And she discovers she’s falling in love.

This book has been previously published and has been revised from its original release.

Warning: Interplanetary/racial lovin’, mock violence, sarcasm, nuptial nudity.

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The Last Man on Earth by Raine Weaver
Genre: Contemporary Romance

ISBN: 1-59998-923-9
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Scott Carpenter

This is NOT a test…

Iris Foley and Russell Carr are old friends who share everything. As they indulge in a marathon viewing of old, campy horror films on a stormy Halloween night, they are suddenly faced with the very real possibility that something has happened to the outside world.

Just as the last gasp of the Emergency Broadcast System issues a dire warning, they are plunged into isolation and darkness. Naturally, they decide to do what any frightened, civic-minded young couple would do.

They decide to have sex.

Now if only old fears, a surprise adversary, and the Apocalypse wouldn’t keep getting in their way…

This book has been previously published and has been revised from its original release.

Warning, this title contains explicit sex, but all references to alien coochie have been censored.

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In Heat by Leigh Wyndfield
Genre: Romantic SciFi-Futuristic, Red Hots!

ISBN: 1-59998-907-7
Length: Category
Price: 4.50 Get it Now for 4.05
Cover art by Anne Cain

A mating ritual as old as time could be the death of them both…

Jax’s yearly mating cycle couldn’t come at a more inconvenient time. He’s on the verge of ending seven years of exile and claiming his birthright, but for 24 hours he’ll be vulnerable to his enemies, alone and in agony–unless he can find a willing partner. He thinks he’s found the perfect solution in the beautiful slave Waverly. He’ll buy her at any price, and after it’s over, he’ll give her the one thing all slaves crave. Freedom.

But Waverly isn’t really a slave. She’s a transport pilot double crossed by Junkeaters and sold to a notorious gunrunner. Escape is the only thing on her mind–and she better disappear fast, before her own heat reaches a crescendo.

Before she can slip away, the overpowering need to mate crashes over them, the intensity taking them both by surprise. But the Inter-World Council is out to hang Jax for a crime he didn’t commit, Junkeaters are hot on their trail, and ruthless arms traders are gunning for them.

Their passion may burn hot enough to last a lifetime, but first they must survive.

This book has been previously published and has been revised and expanded from its original release.

Warning: Hot sex, adult words, and lots of adventure in and out of the sack!

Read An Excerpt Online

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Date: Monday, April 7th, 9-10pm Eastern Time
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