Samhain’s New Releases 16 Dec

What’s New in eBook from Samhain!
Publication Date: December 16, 2008
On Sale here:
Reaction Time Reaction Time by Alannah Lynne
Genre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-271-8
Length: Novella
Price: 3.50 Get it Now for 3.15
Cover art by Anne Cain

Five days. Close quarters. It’s enough to drive any woman crazy–or into submission…

Nikki Kincaid carries her smart mouth and in-your-face attitude like other women carry mace. But the sharpest parts of her razor tongue are reserved for Adam Guthrie, a man who sparks her body’s reaction time quicker than a green light. That out-of-control response terrifies her, because control is her middle name.

When someone starts sending Nikki threatening letters, Adam jumps at her brother’s request to help protect her–whether she likes it or not. For the past year and a half he’s been watching her, analyzing her body language and cutting remarks, and has come to one definitive conclusion. She’s a sexual submissive in hiding.

Five days in close quarters is exactly what Adam’s been waiting for–and Nikki’s idea of hell. Bringing her deepest desires to the surface will be the greatest challenge of his life. And, if he succeeds, his greatest reward.

Warning: This title contains some dominance and submission, some light bondage and some sexy scenes that’ll make you want to lose control.

Read an excerpt or buy by clicking on the book cover!

Slade and Kally Slade and Kally by A. E. Rought
Genre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-246-6
Length: Novel
Price: 5.50 Get it Now for 4.95
Cover art by Anne Cain

Running from pain–falling into love.

Letting Go of the Reins, Book 1

Weeks before Thanksgiving, Kally Jensen leaves her life in Michigan and her abusive fiancé behind. With her sister’s money, a teddy bear and bruises she cannot hide, she tries to disappear. She almost does–permanently–when icy roads force her car into a ditch, leaving her stranded and injured on a cattle ranch in Hulett, Wyoming.

Fate answers ex-police officer Slade Carlson’s unspoken need for change by delivering a hypothermic girl into his arms. Kally is like no call he’s worked before; her abuse-related injuries and unconscious cries for mercy pierce his lonely heart. Nursing Kally back to health and helping her see life beyond the pain gives Slade the purpose he’s been looking for.

Holding back his feelings until she can work through her own emotional pain will be the hardest thing he’s ever done. Yet new love blossoms like a Christmas Lily in the Wyoming winter.

Still, Slade’s love may not be enough to protect Kally when the shadows rise from her past…

Warning This title contains: cranky bulls, rusty pick-up trucks, bar fights, shot guns and a hot sexy cowboy you’ll want for your own.

Read an excerpt or buy by clicking on the book cover!

Sleight of Hand Sleight of Hand by Katrina Stauss
Genre: Gay-Lesbian Romance, Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 978-1-60504-272-5
Length: Short Story
Price: 2.50 Get it Now for 2.25
Cover art by Anne Cain

What if the man of your dreams is also the one of your nightmares?

Edwin Matthews just wants to get some sleep. Traveling by steam train with his family, the melancholic nineteen year old is plagued by restless nights and recurring dreams of a fiery disaster. When a mysterious magician comes aboard, the troubled insomniac’s trip takes an interesting turn.

Tall, dark, and incredibly handsome, the flamboyant Sir Marco Satori offers to cure what ails Edwin. Spurred by equal parts curiosity, desperation, and attraction, Edwin agrees to the experiment. Suddenly he finds his quiet journey turned into a wild ride of life, love, sex, death…and a few strange things in between.

He also finds himself claimed–in more ways than one–while a promise of “eternity” may be more than Edwin bargains for.

Warning: This book contains violence, dubious consent, light D/s, frock coats, cravats, questionable Victorian parlor tricks, and hot sex between beautiful men on a fast-moving train.

Read an excerpt or buy by clicking on the book cover!

Presented by Millennium Promotion Services, Inc.

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