Six Sentence Sunday – 27 March

Time for my second installment of the Six Sentence Sunday. Fitting that it should come from my second release — Serenity by D. Renee Bagby:

She said, “Chigaru only just informed me you are one of the best at this game, Your Majesty. I will prepare myself to lose with grace.”
“You are quite fast,” Melchior said.
“Not as fast as my brother Prince Alric. Should he visit, I think you two should play…if that will not inconvenience you.”
“I would make time for the match.”


  1. oh, which game are they to play? Reminds me of The First Knight 🙂 Jousting, perhaps? Or something more civilized such as Polo! LOL I'm intrigued and want to know more, nice six! Liked the character interactions.

  2. Thanks to everyone for stopping by and commenting. This was a great turn out.

    As to what they are playing, it's a game I invented for the purpose of the book.

    @ Ginger – And that would be why I put it there. 😛

    ~ Renee

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