Writing Update

Soooooo… I upped the word count estimation for “Baby” to 60k. You may ask why. Well… the thing is…

Okay, it was supposed to be a nice little, uncomplicated novella. SUPPOSED TO BE. As we already know, me and “uncomplicated” don’t get along very well. Every time we try to get along badness happens. 😛

Gosh darn it. This plot just came out of nowhere and jumped me. I swear. I was almost done. Sure it would have been over the original 30k goal but an extra 10k words wasn’t that bad. But nooooo. That dopey plot came out of nowhere and now it looks like I have a category length novel on my hands. *sigh*

Oh well. Still good. Still fun. And still almost done. 😀 I’m chugging right along and having a good time doing it.


  1. LOL, that's exactly what happened to my latest WIP. It was supposed to be a novella between 25K and 30K. The second draft was 40K. The third (and hopefully final) 64.5. Yikes. But it's a much better, deeper story for the additions. (IMHO anyway)

    Isn't it fun (yes, that's said sarcastically) when stories take over like that?

  2. Leah, all my stories take over. One of my heroes gave me writer's block for nearly two months because he didn't want to do what I wrote. His ransom cost me a two chapter overhaul.

    Eh but I guess it's okay. I tend to torture my characters (A LOT) so they get me back in little ways. 😀

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