A is for Adrienne

A to Z Challenge: A

This is my first year doing the A to Z Challenge. I found out about it last year and wanted to make sure I joined in the fun this year. Though I’m struggling to figure out what to write for each letter, A come to me with no trouble.

Adrienne by D. Renee Bagby

A is for Adrienne — my debut title. Released in 2007 with Samhain Publishing, Adrienne was proof to myself that I could do it. I set that goal and met it. Once I finished, submitted, and contracted it, I realized I could put my imagination into words for others to enjoy. Not only that. I could finish.

After finishing the first title, every title after came that much easier. ‘The End’ was no longer an unattainable goal to be feared. Now ‘The End’ just means it’s time to start the next story.

I might not be where I thought I would be by year five (actually, it’s six in July) of my career but I’m still loving every minute and enjoying all the stories my imagination offers. Now if I could just get a clone and figure out a way to survive without food, water, sleep, and human interaction, I might actually be able to write them all.


  1. Very cool – a writing challenge. I seriously don’t know how I would come up with topics from a – to z. But then, I’m not a writer. There’s not a writerly bone in my body. 😉 however, I’ll be looking forward to what you come up with. 🙂

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