Author Interview: Marie-Nicole Ryan

The Basics
Marie-Nicole Ryan
Brand: Believe in the dream… Beware the danger.
Genre(s): Romantic Suspense, Mystery/Suspense
Publisher(s): Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

To Other Authors

What are the three MOST important pieces of advice you would give to a brand new author?

  • Believe in your dream. Don’t give up. Write every day. I don’t have anything new to offer, but those three things are vital for every writer.

What’s your favorite way to advertise?

  • I like doing interviews, but nothing beats writing a dynamite book. That’s the best advertisement. I love having a web site and keeping it up-to-date, and I love creating promotional items like bookmarks and brochures. I really enjoy book signings which come may way because I’m able to meet readers. There’s something really special about readers—beyond the fact they might buy one of my books. Whether they’re seeking to learn more about themselves or the world or just want to escape the harsh realities of our world, readers are seekers and capable of looking beyond the here and now.

What hard-knock lesson did the publishing world teach you (can be your own experience or someone else’s that you learned from)?

  • You are your own worst enemy. This can take innumerable forms—as many as there are writers. Whether it’s not believing in yourself, limiting yourself or acting like a witch in a public forum. My personal fault is limiting myself and thinking my writing sucks at least once a day.

For the Readers

What are you reading, if anything, at the moment?

  • I’m working my way through Charlaine Harris’ Southern Vampire Mysteries. I just downloaded books 5 and 6 to my Kindle.

Do you prefer ebooks or print for your reading pleasure?

  • Since I purchased a Kindle, I’m firmly in the ebook camp. I always look for the ebook format and seldom buy print books unless they’re by a friend or fellow MCRW member.

Name three of your all-time-favorite, read-them-over-and-over books.

  • Now that I’m a writer, I don’t have time to read any book over and over, but I do have authors that I read everything I can get my hot little hands on. But I couldn’t begin to limit the list to three. But going back to when I was a reader, the books I read over and over were Gone With the Wind, Forever Amber, and Green Darkness. I also loved Elswyth Thane’s Williamsburg Series. I don’t think it’s in print any longer, but I purchased the books individually on the Internet.

Idle Curiosity Compels Me to Ask

– What inspired you to be a writer?

  • The quick and easy answer is: reading. I’ve been a voracious reader all my life. I read across genres: biographies, mainstream, romance, and mysteries. It’s no wonder the first manuscript I actually created was so cross-genre it almost defied description: women’s fiction/paranormal romantic suspense.
  • That was the easy answer, but why I started writing well into my mature years—although some would argue whether or not I am truly mature—was a TV show: La Femme Nikita. That show pulled in a lot of women because of the dark, brooding anti-hero Michael. I started writing fan fiction and the response I received on the LFN story boards re-awakened my desire to write my own stories. Back in the heyday of Rosemary Rogers and Katherine Woodiwiss, I started my own erotic epic but never completed it. I started with a short story—about what happened between a couple of scenes on the show. Then I wrote a humorous role reversal short story, before I launched into a 95k word opus.
  • I was fortunate to meet online a former Silhouette Desire author who was also writing the absolute best LFN fan fiction I’d ever read. She encouraged my efforts and critiqued my first partial manuscript and remains a friend to this day. She also encouraged me to join RWA which I did in 1999.

– What do you do immediately after finishing a manuscript?

  • I start a new one or go back to one I’ve already started but set aside. Oh, and I take a deep breath of relief.

– Do you talk to your characters or your muse or both?

  • I have to say that I really start to “hear” dialogue, and when that happens, the writing goes so much faster. In other words, they talk to me. I guess that sounds either a bit woo-woo or worse cliché, but I really do start to hear them (the hero and heroine) talk to each other.

Promo Section

~ Most Recent Release ~


(Romantic Suspense)
Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
ISBN: 978-1-60504-285-5

Pretending to be newlyweds is a dangerous game…particularly if you’re falling in love.
FBI Special Agent in Charge Caitlin Chaney believes in doing things strictly by the book. It’s the only way to prove she’s earned her rank despite her father’s position in the federal government. Just her luck, she’s been teamed with an agent who’s known for following his instincts, not the rules. To her way of thinking, Agent Jake LeFevre is a screw up and bound to trash her operation—and career.

Jake is used to running undercover ops his way, and he’s not too happy with his new boss—an accountant, no less, whose undercover experience is limited at best. He needs a partner who can hold her own, not a prima donna.

At first the sparks that fly between them aren’t the good kind. From the very beginning, their cover as madly-in-love newlyweds at a New Orleans casino is tested to the max. But as they work together to find a missing whistleblower in a money-laundering scheme, their admiration grows to respect—and something more.

Then Jake discovers the casino CFO is someone he loved as a teenager. If the woman recognizes him, things could go sideways, and fast—and in a way that could leave their bodies—and hearts—in pieces.

Warning, this title contains the following: hot nekkid sex, an evil voodoo priestess, grisly remains in the bayou, graphic language and violence.

~ Coming Soon ~

I’m thrilled to announce that my erotic western historical romance, SEDUCING THE SHERIFF, will be released December 15, 2009, by Samhain Publishing. I don’t have cover art or an ISBN, but when the big day comes, you’ll be able to buy it by clicking on my author page at Samhain.

Here’s a preliminary blurb:

This gal’s determined to brand the stubborn, hot-blooded sheriff as her own. And she’s not taking “no” for an answer.

Starlight Tyler returns home to Kenton Valley, Texas. A woman on the run from her mother, a Pinkerton, and a wealthy man she doesn’t love, she needs a husband fast. And who better than her long lost love, Cordero Tate?

Sheriff Cord Tate is bent on rounding up the gang of outlaws responsible for the death of his wife and unborn child. The leader of the gang is none other than Star Tyler’s half-brother. Haunted by the loss of his first wife and child, he’s determined never to marry again, much less make love to another woman and risk impregnating her.

Star’s stubborn and means to get her man, but one moonless night, her past catches up with her. She’s kidnapped and forced to the altar by the same wealthy man she ran away from in the first place. Will Cord find her in time, or will he wash his hands of her and say, “Good riddance”?

Learn More
– Website
– Blog/Newsletter Marie Blogs About Writing, Shades of Suspense, Lovin’ the Lawman
– Yahoo Group

Thanks, Marie-Nicole!!

Join me next week for Karin Welss.


  1. Anonymous

    Wow! Great hook for your book & FABULOUS cover! How do you get such a great cover – did you work with your publisher on that?

    Also, your words on writing are inspiring – makes me want to keep writing!


  2. Hey! It's the booty grabbing book! It's on my “to be read” shelf (better location than the “to be read” floor stacks where most of my RWA Conference obtained books ended up). It's next to be moved to the end table. Woot! I can't wait to read it. This article is great. I hope you are having a great day! Cheers.

  3. Hannah, I had some input on the cover–which I have to say I DEARLY LOVE. My input was baiscally to fill the artist in on the setting of the story and describe the characters. I also suggested the “he has her up against a brick wall” and I'm amazed that they found this pic. In fact the cover was so good, two other publishers used the same one (reversed), BUT mine was first.

  4. Great interview Marie-Nicole! I find it a hoot that you started writing with fan fiction. I never heard of FF until the CBS vampire drama Moonlight. Fell in love with that show and joined a fan board and discovered fan fiction! I so enjoy reading it!

    Looking forward to your Sheriff story. I do love a good historical western!

  5. Hey, Monica. I discovered fan fic, got sucked in, and the next thing you know I was writing up a storm. Just in case anyone's curious, writing fan fic was a lot easier than creating my own characters. But writing it helped me remember how much I loved writing. Oh, the joy of it.

  6. Nice interview! I'm looking forward to the Western.

    It's interesting that you got into writing through fanfic. I used to read a lot of Alias fan fic and there were some really good writers doing that.

    Glad you made the leap into publishing your work.

  7. Hey there, Leah. I know what you mean. There were some auto-reads on the La Femme Nikita story boards. I remember those days with great fondness.

    I'm glad I was able to make the leap as well. 😉 It took a lot of determination. It still does!

  8. Hey, Marie!!!! Great interview! Didn't I buy the hot nekkid sex book at that last book signing? Dang! What did I do with my book purchases from that day? I was so busy that day (and have been since) I'm not even sure where they ended up. I must locate the nekkid book and read that next!

    As you already know…I LOVE THAT COVER!!!!

  9. Hey, Kim. I guess winning the Golden Heart would leave one a bit busy!

    Yes, you bought the book at the signing, so it's bound to be hiding somewhere in your lovely house.

    Thanks for dropping by. And I know I've said it before, but Congrats again on winning a Golden Heart.

  10. Hey, Gypsy! Loved the interview. Always fun to find out what ELSE we have in common. This time, it was Green Darkness. I LOVED that book. And yes, I read it over and over in high school. I'm also in love with your nekkid sex heroine's name, Starlight. Very cool.

  11. Anonymous

    Marie, great interview! Glad I dropped by, and thanks for keeping me informed of these things. As you know, I just love that you are succeeding in your writing.

    Cheers n hugs, KT ^!^

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