Romance Rating System

It has come to my attention that the romance community needs to get together and come up with a rating system. Sure, sure, every publisher has their own. I mean a rating system that is agreed upon and implemented straight across the board for EVERY romance from the inspirational and …

Rape in Romance

Let’s see. I’m a day late, but since I had a mini post, that’s okay. 🙂 Adrienne was ousted from the MBaM list shortly after hitting #8 and hasn’t been back. I’m hoping it’ll make a come back once I get a review or two, but for now it’s off …

Hoarding Addresses

First, Adrienne hit #9 on MBaM’s bestseller list on July 17th and has stayed there. Thank you all for enjoying my work. I’m tremendously glad you like it (I can’t say that enough). Second, I totally didn’t get to the goals I listed last week. I’m still working on my …

Out and About

Happy Friday the 13th ;P Well, Adrienne is out. Monday I was antsy as hell and gave myself an adrenaline headache. That was a good thing, because it got me in bed early. After a few pain pills I was out like a light. Only prob was that I woke …

Lack of Opinion

First, I’d like to state (for the record) that of the goals I mentioned last week I didn’t get to the speakers. They are still strewn haphazardly around the room waiting for me to get off my butt. Actually, I wish being on my butt was my only problem. It’s …

Need More Time

I know, everyone always says they need more time in the day. I don’t really need more time, I just need the ability to multiply myself so I can get stuff done. One to keep up with forums and posting on my different sites, one to research and compile facts …

Updated and Improved Site

This is my first post on my new blog and I’m using it to announce that I’ve updated and improved my website. I was originally going to wait for the pictures I had commissioned to be finished and then do the update all at once. But, I needed to …

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