LF Get Together 7 Recap

Now it’s time for the recap of the 7th Annual Lori Foster’s Reader-Author Get Together. As usual, this convention was a lot of fun. This year I supplied the badge holders. Each badge holder had a packet of business cards I collected from various authors. Some of said business cards …

Balticon 45 Recap

This is waaaaay late, but I finally have time to gather my thoughts and do a quick recap of my adventures while at Balticon 45 in Hunt Valley, MD 27-30 May. You can check out my panels schedule in an earlier post. You can also check out the pocket program …

Balticon 45 Schedule

Balticon 45 The Maryland Regional Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention Memorial Day Weekend – May 27-30, 2011 Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn, Baltimore, MD Learn More Here’s my schedule for those who want to track me down. Fri, 5:00 PM, Salon C, Vampire/Paranormal TV shows (Film/TV)Moderator: R. Allen Leider; Panelists: Lisa …

Appearances of 2011

2010 isn’t even over yet and I’m already planning for 2011. Actually, if I wanted to be ahead of the game, I would be planning for 2012. But, for now, this is the best I can do. 😀 Here’s where I’m planning to be in 2011. Keep in mind some …

Dragon*Con: Last Day

The last day and it was empty. I’d say a sixth of the people, maybe less. Hardly any costumes. Most everyone was packing up and leaving. My brother and I only went today so we could see if there would be any sales at the dealer tables and get some …

Dragon*Con: Day Three

The exhaustion is catching up to me quick. Today was a lot more laid back. I ran into Leanna Renee Hieber on the way in and chatted with her a little bit. She looked amazing in her Victorian garb, as usual. I also met C.L. Wilson in the Exhibit room. …

Dragon*Con: Day Two

Much better. The parade down Peachtree was amazing. There were floats and vehicles and spectacles and it was GREAT. The funniest part — I thought — was when the Battlestar Galatica group/section walked past and pulled a guy dressed as Commander Adama from the crowd. That was especially funny since …

Dragon*Con: Day One

3 HOURS!!! That’s how long I and several other Dragon*Con pre-registration patrons stood in line to get our badges so we could enjoy the lovely offerings of this very BIG convention spread over 4 hotels. Three looooooooong hours, one and half of which was spent in the Atlanta heat of …

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