C is for Community

C is for Community… the authors’ community, that is. I am very happy, fortunate, and blessed to be part of several online groups filled with wise authors generous in their knowledge. From the beginning of my career until now and into the future, there is never a time my questions …

B is for Busy

I wonder how many other fellow A-to-Z’ers will use Busy for their B word. I’ve been struggling for the last few hours to figure out what I could use for B while trying to dig out from under all the stuff I need to get done… then the light bulb …

Excerpt: Secret Santa Sir by Katherine Kingston

Secret Santa Sir by Katherine Kingston Genre: Erotic Contemporary BDSM Romance, MF, Christmas Publisher: Ellora’s Cave Out Now! Buy Link #1: http://www.ellorascave.com/secret-santa-sir.html Buy Link #2: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009KNIN16/ When Maggie gets a note from a very unofficial Secret Santa during the office’s holiday gift exchange, she’s surprised to be tempted by it. …

How I Use FileMaker #2

And here’s the second way I use FileMaker Pro… as a database to house all my book information — character names and attributes, lexicon, location names, etc. The database isn’t complete yet, but this will save me so much time when I need to go back and find a character’s …

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